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Posts posted by Moosecini

  1. 13 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    ATTENTION ATTENTION EVERYONE!  The twins are massaging each other again!

    Then again, apparently nobody gives a fuck.  :dodgy: 

    Well, I've got a question, given the massage... have these two ever literally gotten each other off?  I mean full on with or without a guy (I do know they've 3-some'd a guy a few times).  Their massage is pretty erotic for SISTERS, however, they are on RLC, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.  Just curious if anyone knows if they've gone further than that.

  2. Just kinda occurred to me that with Nelly gone, I'll be surprised if Martina ever goes to any other apartment, let alone B4.  Nelly was her tie there, and she really seemed to care little about any of the other girls, so I think her days of visitation across the RLC "community" are over... unless Nelly comes back.  Guess I shouldn't put that out into the universe though! 😬🤣

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  3. 44 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    It has nothing to do with Oxford.  Common knowledge and courtesy would say that solid text without breaks for paragraphs, on a white background, is very difficult to read. 

    Well my bad.  I usually don't post quite so much.  I was also at work and just needed to get a lot out quickly.  I'll keep it in mind for future posts. 👍

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  4. 10 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    I respectfully request that Moose and/or Harley change up their avatars.  I read this whole thing and while I was reading I was thinking "holy fuck, did Harley get laid or something because this actually makes sense and is compassionate and logical and there was no "we all know Martina and Bogdan are fucking" or anything like that.

    It wasn't until later when I realized my mistake and the author is our very own Moose.

    Ahhh ... the world is back to normal suddenly.

    I propose no more avatars feature animals with antlers.  

    Still love you Harley.  And Moose too.

    Thanks Jen!  I'm personally fond of my avatar, but I'll look into an alternative.  I will say that you can (apparently) always distinguish my posts from others due to the atrocious lack of paragraph structure, which I will be striving to improve in future comments. 😉

    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, chuck206 said:

    I have a fundamental question.  Exactly what is the relationship between Martina and Alberto?     

    How come Alberto has not put a ring on Martina's finger? The general understanding is Martina and Alberto have been together for a few years pre-RLC, and living together for 4+ years.  What's the hold up?       Does one (or both), want an escape option available, the ability to end things and walk away, no strings attached?

    Others on the forum have said they are not married. So, they are living together ...... as what?   Friends?  A couple?   Boyfriend-Girlfriend?  Significant Others?   Partners?   Most serious relationships between a man and woman have a commitment aspect. I don't see that here.

    Martina carries on as if she is a single and unattached. She leaves the apartment looking and dressing like a sexy attractive young woman.  But, that's it, sexy and attractive ... why, for who? For guys? Is she putting on a tight dress ( braless with nipples showing), makeup,  and ruby red lipstick to have a coffee at the corner cafe?  Is that how she dresses to visit friends? To walk along the beach? 

    Thought:  what would happen if Alberto objected to Martina's night time / early morning partying? What if he said ... no. 




    I share your confusion, Chuck!  Quite a while back I mentioned that over all the time watching them, I've NEVER heard either of them even tell the other they love the other.  No ti amo.  NOT to say they never actually have, since I can't watch them every second and we don't hear anything outside the cameras.  If they have, that's great, but I would think marriage would be a hard step if they can't even express themselves on that level.  I think she certainly CARES for him on a fairly deep level, and he's got to know he's got a rockin hottie, however, outside the house, they've apparently got NOTHING in common, and that adds to the strain.  She's 25 and wants to go out, especially having school all week, and that's TOTALLY normal for a 25yo, but he hardly ever joins her.  Honestly, if he loses her, I'll be putting a lot of the reasoning on him.  He does treat her well, in that he takes care of her and isn't abusive, but not sure he truly makes her HAPPY.  Yes, they've been together for a long time, which leads to a feeling of comfort, security and routine.  In the states, some places still recognize a old statute called "common-law marriage", meaning when a couple has lived together in a relationship for a long time (I think typically 7 years), they're actually referred to as married by the state even though they never had an official ceremony.  Sounds like their situation.  I also read that the younger generations are dismissing marriage more, siting the complication and expense of splitting up if things don't work out.  Again, that's in the states, not sure about the EU.  All in all, I think they're just in a routine they're good with and will probably continue until something REALLY goes sideways... like maybe Martina getting busted with another guy.  Not really sure how much of an issue Alberto had with Nelly, but he had to know he couldn't compete with that.  Regardless of how much of a train wreck Nelly is, fact we've all seen is that Nelly has the ability to get her off for HOURS while Alberto typically leaves her wanting after 10 minutes.  There has been an immense about of speculation regarding a multitude of guys over the past year and whether or not Martina has hooked up with any of them.  That fact is something we may never know.  A lot may or may not be happening off cam.  We have seen evidence that when she's drunk and partying, she doesn't appear to have an issue flirting or having physical contact (dancing) with other guys... as long as Alberto isn't watching.  I'd say over the past year, she ABSOLUTELY has lost any apprehension to letting other men see her naked or at least topless.  She used to be much more reserved.  Given the trend, one would think it's only a matter of time before she goes too far.  Alberto is being "accepting" and letting her have her fun, but in the realm of a relationship, he's playing with fire, and it'll ultimately be his own fault if he loses her.  The only "improvement" Ive seen from him is his recent weightlifting/workouts.  Gotta do better than that bro.  So... my 2 cents worth.  Sorry for the novel.  😜🤣

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  6. 40 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

    02:10 Martina left under Alberto's eye, the party is not over for her

    She will come back around 7:00 a.m. like almost every evening.

    And not with Nelly because already back to villa B4

    Not sure, but I'm not seeing Nelly or Bog.  Makes me think they went back out like Martina... not necessarily WITH Martina, but out regardless.  OOPS!  Sorry, just found her on the left bed.

  7. Is that ANOTHER new shiner for Martina's friend???  For fucks sake, someone needs to beat the living fuck out of that shit stain!  Like I said last time though, why in God's green earth does she keep going back to the sumbitch... let alone throw his ass in jail???  Guys like that piss me off to no end.  🤬  Bastard needs a beer bottle shoved up his ass and then shattered with a fucking bat!

    • Like 3
  8. 30 minutes ago, blue is the colour said:

    N&M are showing their cultural side. Where is the Bogdan.

    He's smarter than he looks, apparently.  He probably got as far from that violin as he could!  😖  I'd see him giving Nelly a pass and leaving those two to do whatthefuckever they wanted, just as long as he could maintain his hearing and sanity.  😂  He's probably in Denmark right now!

    • Haha 2
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