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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Good to know, 'cause I figured it out last night, although only B4. If anyone knows specifically where Kitty's and especially Martina's apartments are, I'd love to know. Much harder because there are no outdoor markers to ID the place.
  2. I've read that Martina reads CC posts. Is there a specific thread she reads or generally all of them? I'd love to be able to send her something.
  3. Ok, off topic a little, and probably asked before... Has anyone ever found out where the villa is exactly, and if so, what would happen if it got out? Just curious 🤔
  4. Hey, it's just my general opinion. Lotta guys dumping on Alberto recently. Not directed at one person. I'm not partial to seeing him or any other guy either, so I get THAT. I don't think 99% of the members of RLC are there to see the guys anyway. 🤣
  5. Alberto isn't a "problem"! They simply just have a more traditional relationship, while the rest of these girls are wild. I think anyone attempting to get her to start being like them will end her relationship with Alberto, which I don't believe she wants to risk. IMHO, I think she's quite happy with him and regardless of how "out of her league" he is physically, she appears to enjoy the sex thoroughly. I'd say that even though Alberto my be unattractive comparatively, he's loving to her and treats her like a queen. Compared to every other guy on RLC, he's faithful and caring. THAT is why she's with him. I might not know Spanish or be able to watch their every move, so maybe I don't know everything. This is just my opinion based on what I've seen and I haven't seen anything to the contrary. As for the bi-sexuality theories... from what I've observes lately, she's CURIOUS and CAUTIOUS. She tested a little with Megan the first time. The second time, she seemed pretty comfortable kissing Holly, and even briefly got topless in the open. BOTH times she was quite drunk. That opens up her inhibitions allow her to experiment, but she's still cautious. Doesn't look to me like she's ready to go muff diving quite yet. When and if that happens, I think Alberto will be aware of it and probably ok with it. I would be. As long as another dick isn't involved, I wouldn't really care. I highly doubt she'll ever invite a girl home. Alberto is a good guy and doesn't want to cheat on her. To him (and me) that would be like her hopping on one of the guys at B4. I'm sure neither one of them want the other messing around like that. Could be wrong, but that's how it appears to me. Basically, this is all a big debate with everyone, because Martina and Alberto, for all intents and purposes are a REGULAR couple, which is completely divergent from everything else on RLC. I'm sure most on RLC expect or would rather the other houses and how the girls act, so it's an anomaly and they stand out, but so what? Let the others do their thing. Whatever, it's just my two bucks. Take it or leave it. I'd just like to see everyone back off of Alberto. Martina is AWESOME and I just don't want to see her corrupted. I, personally, like to see their "style" of relationship.
  6. Saw Alberto look at his phone. If she's been calling him, he's ignoring her. No way he's missed calls/texts and NOT ignored them from her.
  7. Well, it's 3am and everyone else is in bed. Second wind came a bit too late. Bet she wishes she was home!
  8. The girls are relentless and won't let Martina sleep, so she's probably off to a room... or home. Looks like they're hunting her clothes down.
  9. She might be on the couch all night if the girls leave her alone and don't drag her to a bedroom.
  10. It looks to me as if Holly, Gina and Taylor are trying to get Martina interested, but she's just too tired. Otherwise they'd be screwing around in Holly's room.
  11. Martina and Holly kissed a lot and it didn't look at all like Martina wasn't into it. I think she might go further in the future, because she's curious, but she's taking it slow. Tonight, the alcohol just got the best of her.
  12. I'll go on record that I'm absolutely in love with Martina. She's damn near perfect. Gorgeous face, fantastic body, and acts naturally. If I were Alberto, I would do whatever it took to keep her happy and with me. It sucks she smokes, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Nobody is perfect. Holly is also gorgeous with a killer body, but acts slutty like the rest of them. Martina has only acted a bit like that at B4. I just don't want her to turn into one of the rest of them. Just my humble opinion.
  13. I think she's out for the night. I would have loves to see her and Holly go at it, but I think her "condition" has helped to knock her out for the night.
  14. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK just not Gina. She has turned into a complete crack whore!
  15. Well, honestly, ANYONE can SEE Martina naked online, so stripping isn't too far off. TOUCHING would be a HUGE problem if it were me. If she wants to screw around with another girl, that's not an issue for me. It's the guys I'm worried about when she's drunk. She seems really into Holly tonight. Seeing those two get it on would make my nuts explode.
  16. It really disappoints me that Martina smokes. I've never seen her smoke before!
  17. I did notice Martina has her time of the month, so I doubt she'll get too crazy.
  18. Ukrainian? What is she speaking then. Sounds Slavic.
  19. Sounds plausible, thinking about it. She's Megan was rubbing all over those bruises yesterday and it didn't appear to affect her at all. I would think bruises THAT big would be very painful to the touch. I wonder if they're just so used to getting them, that it doesn't really hurt anymore. Still, it looks bad and I feel bad when I see them. You're probably right though.
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