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Everything posted by scorpioben

  1. Aaaaw!!! Darnit I missed all this!! 😞 Seems like a really nice housewarming party 😄 Thanks for posting pics Domy!
  2. All good Domy! We know you have their best interest at heart! No worries!
  3. Salut guitoune c'est bendegos Oui c'est sur que de juste vivre leur vie sans vraiment penser aux cameras etait super, surtout comparé a plusieurs appartements qui semblaient etre du monde placé la pour donner un show et en montrer le plus possible. Au moins les filles faisaient juste faire leur routine normale, etre nue c'etait juste normal et pas pour atirer de clientele (elle ne faisaient pas l'amour tout les soirs, juste quand ca leur tentait). C'etait tellement plus facile Now, they have to... perform. I'm not crazy about that. If they're enjoying themselves, fine, which they say they are, but lets be honest, we've learn to know them a bit on RLC, we know they have better things to do than 'perform' for the public. This is quite the adjustment. If they want to build a following on these sites... they have to be present and 'perform'. I don't know how far that will go. You and I try to help but so far... its not great. As much as I care about them and want to help. I can't sustain sending hundreds of tokens every night. Others have to help, like you, but we can't be the only ones. I asked them if they would set up an off cam fund like a gofundme and they're working on something. I would prefer that to paying thousands of tokens that those website eat up 1/2 and more and they barely see a fraction of. If I'm going to spend my hard earned money, I want it to be to help them, not to line those website's pockets. I hope they get there sooner than later (a more private source of sending them funds) so that they don't have to waste so much time on cam versus getting the help they need with their projects (books for 'Kira', music for 'Nina', etc) Anyways... I'm done ranting now... lol See you soon! And to others, whether you agree with what they chose to do with earning money, if you care bout Nina and Kira.. joins one of those sites and participate in chat, encourage them, send tokens, anything you can do to help.. Thank you :)
  4. They do not have 300k followers. They are using a generic account shared between multiple performers, if you did any research what so ever. That being said, you are extremely negative firewall so if you don't have anything positive to contribute, maybe you should move to another forum...? I understand everyone has a right to their opinion but you're been nothing but dismissive and negative, and this forum is about supporting Nina and Kira so... please be respectful of their attempts at making a revenue what ever way they see fit
  5. They are new and are trying to gather followers. They might now know how to attract viewers just yet but don't count them out. They could also use the support from all of us, so when any of us see them online, you can go and say hi and if you can swing it, tip! Most of those places you can register for free, the tokens though, you gotta buy.
  6. They were online last night and will be back on monday
  7. Guilty! Almost no one was participating so I decided to support them :) We did discuss here how we could support them so... did my part to assist our favorite girls. :) I also suspect it was their first time on though they seemed pretty handy with the commands and how to start shows etc so they might have done something like this before? Donno. It was great fun to actually interact with them for once! 😄
  8. Received this email wednesday: RLC Announcement For reasons beyond our control, we had to close some apartments. Safety and comfort of the project participants have always been and remain our priority. All the participants are fine. The possibility of their participation in the project is not ruled out in the future. We share your feelings and understand how difficult parting with your favorite participants can be. We apologize for the current situation. The terms of memberships have been changed: Standard members now have access to all apartments and cameras available on the site (previously only to the "Couples" category) Premium members now have Premium + Replay status, which makes it possible for them to use the RLC Replay service without any restrictions The remaining days of the RLC Replay subscriptions and unused tokens were converted to additional days of the membership You can see the information about changes made to your account after logging into the site at the top of the main page. We apologize for such a late notice. --------------------------- Sending this email a full week after... that's bull. They probably received so many complaints they decided to say something Anyways... so MAYBE they'll be back. I cancelled my subscription regardless. What's left is not interesting
  9. Sure I'd be up for that Also, 2 emails to RLC support, no answer. Jerks
  10. I sent an email to their support to find out... if this is permanent, I'm cancelling my membership. They were the ONLY reason I was paying a subscription
  11. Hum... has anyone else lost a crapload of cams, including Nina and Kira???
  12. There are over 40 boxes (there's more in the entrance). Its the latest book she wrote.
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