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Everything posted by vanillajohn

  1. Well technically B4 isn't located within Barça either, for what it's worth.
  2. Just to make things clear I was only talking about C&Y, not necessarily about the country as a whole. It sounds rough though. Thanks for sharing your point of view on the situation in Spain. I hope that the social issues get resolved, or at least get better, sooner than later. 👍
  3. They don't seem to care all that much about the confinement rules since they've had a few friends over whilst Catalonia was shut down the first time round.
  4. As is tradition. Now the real question is how long before the crazy tantrums and physical assaults occur? 😏
  5. I thought you knew since you posted about the drama. I only noticed that she was crying. Regardless of who is at fault it seems to occur quite often over there.
  6. How would you compare his work out session to Rama's, who when training in B4 is trying to emulate the very advanced technique of throwing force fields and airbending?
  7. For all the criticism you give RLC (hey I agree with some), you choose to defend Leora of all people who puts out the biggest bs story that's been going on RLC for a good while. Not gonna lie, the fact that you're now a Leora cultist is quite hilarious, Harley 😂
  8. Hey now you can turn this bad track record into something useful... Can you do us all a favour and predict that RLC won't open new places anytime soon? 😋
  9. So do I since she was my favourite but I don't see it happening. Technically if Leora left Krasnoyarsk for Prague just for RLC, there's still the tiniest bit of possibility that can happen for Maya. But I just don't see it since not only is she pretty much the polar opposite of Leora, if she needed RLC money so badly I feel like we would've seen her around already. Also I highly doubt it with all the travel restriction measures.
  10. You two should apply as a couple for the vacant P1 COV position 😏
  11. lmao why is Yanai even walking quietly at this point? Both couples were loud enough to be heard across the whole country.
  12. I'm only speaking from personal experience. My wife is latina. All of her family and latin friends dance like god damn world champions. And here I am stumbling everywhere like an idiot when I don't stick to my very basic 3 dance moves 😅
  13. I don't disagree with you. I was just specifying that it was a common trend. 👍
  14. You? You literally started the whole discussion about it. All I'm saying is that none of the tenants across the site who live in the area followed the confinement rules.
  15. You're right but they had friends over even back when Spain, and mostly Barcelona/Catalonia, was in full lockdown. Not sure why it's suddenly a topic though as none of the Barça tenants have ever followed the lockdown rules anyway, except for Martina & Alberto.
  16. A lot of people will be reasonably pissed though since RLC will send a generic ass reply with no answer whatsoever, because they've shown numerous times how much they care about the viewers...
  17. Especially since the whole god damn neighbourhood must've overheard them anyway.
  18. As I posted earlier there is no doubt these are friends and look like legit couples, parties like tonight's, whilst having a touch of realness, are also sort of a pretext for them to end up providing content for the cams (sex, that is). Edit: Well, unless cams are covered lol
  19. I'm with ya 100% 👍. It's too bad these occurrences are exceptional nowadays on this site lol
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