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Everything posted by vanillajohn

  1. The longer they don't act the more it's on them. It's best for them to review their current priorities. Obviously they don't know about her stealing from the neighbours but they do know she keeps on raiding their fridge and pantry. The one thing they should do is not leave her by herself or kick her out/get her some help and yet the only thing they do is hide in the bedroom/bathroom all the time so they can fuck. Not that I'm complaining because it's entertaining for the viewers, but I'm just saying...
  2. I don't doubt it at all, but since @omedohas confirmed numerous times in the past that he understands them well and has a pretty good track record when it comes to translating and making comments that eventually prove themselves to be accurate based on what's happening on cam, then it's good enough for me to take his word over anyone else's for this apartment. CC has had a few legit translators (mainly Russian ones) who just ended up quitting because some folks were unbearable towards them and would keep on challenging them for no reason.
  3. Well, you are writing in German and the word "maybe" appeared nowhere in your text after translation. Not saying I don't believe you there, but it didn't translate.
  4. Writing down thoughts and ideas is a thing. Pushing a fake narrative based on absolutely nothing is another especially when said fake narrative is countered with factual info. And by factual info I mean what's actually seen or said on cam. Just look at @omedo's comments who's constantly reporting accurate statements because he understands what Alberto & Martina are saying and yet people who have no clue what they're talking about keep on doubting his comments because they're so caught into their own tale of things. I wrote down an example in which some users were convincing themselves that Martina was going to B4 when in fact she was freaking out and was about to bring the little dog to the vet because he was having a very bad episode of sickness. I'm all for speculations, differences of opinion and whatnot, but pushing imaginary stuff and based on nothing and then arguing against the facts is indeed crazy to me. Anyway, it seems like more and more a common thing here which is unfortunate.
  5. It's the narrative now. Every time she steps out she either goes to B4 or whores herself to the entirety of Spain because of what happened at the villa. Even when she and Alberto brought Taco to the vet, some lunatics and their bs theories were speculating that she would show up to B4.
  6. Derailing topics, and asking for proof each time someone counters his "info" (that he never backs up with proof) with factual stuff is his game and everyone always bites. Anyway, putting the lunatics who bring jack shit to the conversation on the ignore list makes this place more tolerable. I don't mind the difference of opinion but I just don't have the time nor the crayons to deal with grown ups who act like toddlers.
  7. Her stuff is still in the guest room, so she most likely will show up again.
  8. His "source" is something he made up to make himself feel somewhat important. Why do you think the "info" he's getting is always inaccurate?
  9. Don't get your hopes up there, mate. You most likely just created an alternate narrative for the conspirationists in which Luna is in fact a lesbian. 😂
  10. When one of my dog was a puppy, he had an episode similar to what seemed to happen to Taco. He kept on shivering like crazy that one day and it turned out to be caused by distemper. The vet kept him overnight, made sure he was fully vaccinated and properly hydrated, and after we brought him home we had to mix some liquid filled with electrolytes with his water. He then went back to being a goofball within 3 days or so. Hopefully it was something similar and nothing major for the little boy.
  11. Yeah, there's a minority of dumbasses that don't care but thankfully most people here are fine with the curfew and respect the sanitary measures. It's not like there's anything to do outside after 8pm anyway since everything's closed and we can't visit anyone. The only exceptions being pharmacy stores for essential needs, or gas stations for those who work pm/graveyard shifts. People are only allowed to leave their home under very specific circumstances (health reasons, or walk the dog but within a limited distance from home).
  12. That's what's going on over here since this past Saturday. It's too early to tell if it's going to lead to a positive outcome but people are hoping it'll bring good results because a lot of hospitals here are in deep trouble as they approach capacity. One of my good friends is a head nurse and she told me they did start training simulations involving the triage protocol for intensive care beds, which means they'll likely have to stop treating some patients. Nurses, GPs and surgeons are freaking out because of that.
  13. Same here. Winter's been weird so far, not much snow and around 0°C most of the time.
  14. Well if she gets nearly as 'smashed' as Jimmy Superfly Snuka does in that gif, we'll be in for a treat 😂
  15. No worries, can't blame you as it can be hard to tell from the thumbnails sometimes.
  16. In general, I meant. But even on RLC, there's Lia and Mia for example (even though I thought they offered next to nothing).
  17. Yeah mate there's nothing shittier than having a nosy person around when you want privacy. Other than the fact that she's quite the spy, the guest is quite reserved and eats a lot. There's a lot of assumptions that can be made but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have the best of times lately. That or she's on her way to become the RLC version of VHTV's Katrin 😂
  18. Yeah he didn't look too well there. They just came back without him. Alberto is lifting Martina's spirits and she's seems in a somewhat better mood so my guess is that he's staying at the vet and it's nothing too major, hopefully.
  19. Well she didn't seem in a good mood after the call, shooting daggers at the guest, and because she was complaining about stuff on the phone I thought she may have been slightly pissed. My bad, I guess?
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