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Everything posted by vanillajohn

  1. The whole concept of idolizing or fanboying/fangirling has always been very weird to me as a whole but especially when it comes to the voyeur sites. And I mean I do respect the hardcore fans' opinions as well so long as it remains relevant to the discussion. I believe that being emotionally detached from RLC is often perceived as being a hater. I wish the tenants nothing but the best but personally I can't bring myself to have any real feelings towards any of them, even those who reside in places I really enjoy watching. But I'm only really watching for the product that I'm given. What Gina needs at the moment is a stand-up entourage who won't fuck with her feelings more than internet randos writing comments about how great she looks.
  2. These 2 instances ring a bell, now that you say it 👍
  3. Wasn't it serving as a storage room? I haven't been looking at it for a good while and I don't remember a bed being there in forever.
  4. I don't always agree with you but you seem like a good dude. And I do like that you're honest with your opinions. As for the Gina situation there's just people commenting on the situation. Not sure what's with the Gina white knighting. She got involved with a fuckboy who everybody who's been following RLC knew about and got cheated on, which is something most of us saw coming from many miles away on day one (except for Ulyana being involved). It sucks that she's crying and feeling bad and I do hope she gets better but that's on her and I surely won't feel bad about it. Personally I think it's weird to be emotionally involved towards any of the RLC folks, even someone who you'd consider as your "favorite".
  5. Comme certains ont dit, il y a des filles qui courent après les vilains garçons et croient être la bonne pour eux même en sachant qu'ils agissent comme des enfoirés. Like some have said, there are girls who go after bad boys and believe they're the one for them even while knowing they're acting like assholes.
  6. Even if Ulyana reads CC, I doubt that she truly cares about the opinion of random strangers on forums especially if she can act like trash towards her friends and Marat and not care about them in the first place. If anything this whole drama-fest brought more attention and created more traffic towards RLC which is what they're really looking for.
  7. I get ya. Also I know you don't feel bad, it was more out of courtesy 😋
  8. He showed up in the room for a moment when they were kissing then left before Irma went to town on Gina. Edit: He knew what was going on since they kept on kissing while he was there. They exchanged some words too.
  9. At some point Curly was standing in the room by the door when they were kissing and seemed fine with them going at it.
  10. I agree but judging from where you stand on RLC as a whole you should not feel too bad about it. I ended up cancelling my subscription which will end in mid-June because while we still have small glimpses of reality, it's filled with more and more shows and nonsense and is generally getting trashier by the minute. The party at B4 the other week was enjoyable (well anything that didn't involve Curly and his crew) but the ones at B1 and B2 are something else. There's very little going on outside of the Barca houses due to the limited amount of real places still up on the site and since there's not much going on as they're all bored because of the confinement, RLC seems to have put all of their focus on the GOVs. In my opinion, because of that we're getting less and less genuine moments and they kinda lost me in the past week or two. I still enjoy what I can, and it doesn't mean I won't resubscribe but I can't see myself doing so if things remain the same.
  11. It's the second time she's had issues with them (first time with Short Guy) and today especially she seemed exasperated to the point of crying. She told them off again this morning. To be honest, the only thing I was hoping for during this whole party was for her to fight Short Guy 😅
  12. Oh, gotcha. My point still stands though. If this happens it won't be with any of these guys at least lol
  13. Based on what we've seen, she's closer to punching the guys in the face more than anything lol Also Fiora seems pissed at Olivia and Ulyana.
  14. She does (Marat), or at least we all assumed that they were still together because she wouldn't approach any guy but with what happened I'm no longer sure since she doesn't seem to feel any remorse at all.
  15. I don't blame you, buddy. No one is sure with them, their behaviour can turn on a dime. My bet is that Ulyana will tell Gina that she didn't know about her and him which is all bs.
  16. I doubt it, and if she did it was very short lived as she bated soon after and have been in a good mood all day ever since. If you truly fuck up in that fashion you'd feel bad for more than an hour.
  17. No, but after she overheard them Short Guy told Gina something then he told Curly out loud (through the door) about her. Gina then left B2 in a hurry and she's been crying ever since in her room over at B1.
  18. That's Olivia's bf, until it's her turn to fuck Curly 😅
  19. She never had any, let's be real now. The sex ended not because she felt bad but because it became awkward with Short Guy telling Curly about Gina. When Ulyana was asking about Gina she was hugging him and laughing. Real or show, the Barca girls in general have always been some of the most inconsiderate people out there.
  20. But even on the off-chance that there were genuine feelings, I feel no sympathy for a girl who goes after a man whore and ends up heartbroken. Like, wtf did you expect?
  21. That's what I think too. There's no way the girls have no idea he's a fuckboy at this point.
  22. Yep pretty much. Not sure why some thought he somehow decided to lock himself to Gina this time around when he's pretty much done the same shit before. Now it's Ulyana's turn and he'll move on to a next girl in a week or two.
  23. I'll have to look at the replays tomorrow if need be since it's 4am and the bed is calling me. Night y'all 😀
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