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Everything posted by vanillajohn

  1. I mean to each their own but I find that Leora's cult following has just a very unhealthy obsession with her. She could leave her apartment empty for days and she would still get top cams.
  2. Of course he does, that's what he's been doing from the first moment he appeared on RLC... doing coke and fucking women. That wasn't what we were talking about though. It was more about Gina not wanting to do anything on cam (although she had her pussy eaten this time), it just so happened that Cesar was involved.
  3. The cams showed him emptying out the entire place so I have a hard time believing that he'd lie to RLC and they bought into it. But if they ever did then they're way stupider that I thought. Since I don't think it's in the best of their interest to remove a place at this point, I wonder if they had some plan (i.e. someone else move in) that ended up failing.
  4. I'd say that it was because she wasn't all there, but she still has enough conscience to not want to be fucked on cam. That is unless Cesar drags her down some more (she's her own grown up person but I'd say he doesn't seem to have a positive influence on her nor any of the women there).
  5. It's pretty much clear the way things shaped up that they would appear at some point. And I don't think it's a good thing they did. It's good for the views but wrong for the concept, however RLC pretty much threw their own concept in the garbage (I think they'd rather compete against VHTV's trashiness nowadays). How long before him and Gina are coked out of their mind, and Ginger turns the party into something ridiculous? lol
  6. I'd say you and Alladino are both right on this. Gina was indeed drugged out of her mind but Cesar/Maradona/Curly hair/Whatever his name is also fucked on cam before whereas Gina never did much. We'll see what happens in B2 I suppose...
  7. No sign of Gina and the three stooges yet? (not that I wish for them to show up...)
  8. If anything it just shows some more how disingenuous RLC is towards their subscribers for saying he's on vacation until June only to then remove his place. They knew damn well he was gone, otherwise why put a random reason for his absence with a random date of return? And let's not pretend that it's because Hakeen somehow changed ideas, dude packed his stuff before he left. While I'd wish for a new real couple, the fact that RLC has dropped the ball way more than often doesn't give much hope to be honest.
  9. I don't disagree with you there. This place in particular provides 2 extremes. Some girls will at most spread their legs open while lying in bed while Ginger will try to fuck any person/object in sight. Personally I thought that yesterday was a fun event for the most part since I don't care as much about the fake shows or scripted fuck sessions in general (sure few here and there I find interesting). I enjoyed seeing all of them enjoying themselves outside in the pool and on the terrace up until.. whatever that abomination of a show was in Ginger's room .
  10. I don't have any recording software but I'm pretty sure someone else who regularly posts videos (Hope, ulysse, etc) can post it. But if you can't hear it in the replay you probably won't either in a recorded video unless the audio level is raised but even then the ambient noise level was quite high due to the music and yelling in the LR so that probably won't change anything.
  11. It's audible on cam 1-8 at 0441, and gets louder around 0442. It doesn't last long though.
  12. Which cams do you have an issue with? I'm trying to go through all of them but it looks fine on my end.
  13. Nah it was Cesar/Maradona/Curly hair/Coke head/That motherfucker. Same who's been latched onto her since visiting B1. He just tied his hair. The man bun dude (his brother I think?) was trying to get Diane.
  14. I believe so, I haven't located him in a while. Either that or he's chilling off cam somewhere.
  15. So far: - Ginger's room: Olivia and bf - Kim's room: Irma - Guest room: Babi, Ulyana and Ginger on one bed, nobody yet on the other (I guess it'll be Mimi and Fiora) - Olya in her own bed Kim, Gina and Diane still in the LR
  16. It's been fine here except for some hiccups at times. The worst for me was when the 4 girls were in the bathtub together.
  17. Even if she wanted to, that dude can't get hard. Anyway, I thought it was better earlier on when they were just enjoying themselves. Other than that the only attempt at a "Go" beside Ginger's usual slutty behaviour ended up being whatever that garbage was in Ginger's room which in my opinion belongs in the pathetic moments section of RLC's Hall of Fame.
  18. I'm sure you'll find plenty of people willing to chip in, myself included 😉
  19. They really are. It's cool to see them enjoying themselves and having a good time just like it was great to see B5 join in for a good time the other week (up until the late night ruckus). The change in dynamic is very welcomed in my opinion. It's just unfortunate that they almost always end up finding a way to turn it into something ridiculous at some point. Since it's GOV we're talking about I get that they are very sex driven but that shit in Ginger's room was so unnecessary and had to be one of the least genuine moments in a very long time (it made the usual fake bating shows look like Oscar winning material). At least it didn't last for a very long time...
  20. I think the prospect of an evolving story between Alex and Bonnie was a narrative that highly entertained the hopes of pretty much everyone here. But since they are both in couple already, they had to fight against the idea of risking any more friction since both guys didn't seem to take it very well. I think it's clear there are feelings (no way they can act that well) but the feelings towards their men is stronger, so at best they will resolve to small plays to satisfy their need here and there which is a let down for many. Personally I find the routine between Bonnie and Rama kind of boring as of late. They argue, get pissed at each other, then they leave the apartment and return later, they go to bed and argue some more only to end up fucking. It's almost Groundhog Day (with less Groundhog and less Bill Murray).
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