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Everything posted by AntEater

  1. Stomach ache idk but fatigue is. I know you mean well but I think she's a pretty healthy girl, better she just get it over with like the chicken pox.
  2. That's what I mean. Unless they're just going to dinner and coming back they're going to have a very hard time keeping a distance in a bar or club. Good for them though I guess....
  3. How can they have a Saturday night out at a time like this? It's Prague but still....
  4. I agree with everything which is why we are all in lockdown to save those that are at-risk but that does not mean that everyone else would be at-risk if we did nothing. About 80% of those that do get it only experience mild symptoms and would not require medical care either way. It is still only in problem if too many at-risk individuals get ill, and unhealthy youngsters are among this group. "What's not clear is how many of them had underlying conditions making them more vulnerable" In other words incomplete data, but enough to cause panic or at least scare the young people that won't listen into staying home.
  5. Linda in her sexy work-out gear keeping that body tight! I love that she's not lazy and is always working out 😍
  6. I think all the numbers didn't post. Thanks for these numbers though, I love stats that also include the recovered and not just infection and deaths.
  7. Yh I live in NYC, there's a skate shop (shop/skater hangout spot) at the foot of my building and they were having a gathering last night with around 15 people all packed in a small store-front with a few trickling out.
  8. Lol that's kind of extreme. Looks like things aren't so strict in Spain. Even here in NYC ("the new epicenter") it is the same.
  9. The hot guest girl plays the same pool game I play on my phone. She should add me as a friend 😋
  10. South Korea and few other Asian countries like Singapore have managed to control this outbreak without having to go into a lockdown. Hope our government can find a similar solution.
  11. Remember kids died before the virus too. Who knows what else she might have been suffering with that might have even been unknown to her. In Italy the average age of people dying form corona is 80! That says a lot to me. South Korea has a 0% death rate for people under 30, and only two people between the age of 30-50 have died. China is reporting similar numbers. Of course there will be a few outliers but look at the numbers, unless someone has some underlying condition everyone is not in danger.
  12. Not the Chinese government. There are foreign nationals living in China that are reporting on what life is like for them now. Just people who have been doing video diaries and stuff throughout the whole ordeal. Also you can see that business are opening back up. If you compare that to numbers coming out of Europe and South Korea then you should be able to come up with a clearer picture. If China's numbers don't correlate with that of other nations then they're probably lying, if it does, then that's something to think about.
  13. Don't take this the wrong way but Ze do you want real life or do you want show life? This forum has picked up because they stepped up their show-life game. When it was a real couple just living their lives, having great parties, and maybe only having a guest change in the room or shower (which is more like real life) nobody was interested lol. This girl knew exactly what she came to and was paid to do just like the Barca houses. The guy is not even her bf, probably just some random dude that was up for it like the dudes at Barca.
  14. It started rising before they lifted the lockdown so ask yourself why they would do that if there were still rising cases? Whether you believe them or not a lot of the new cases are from people bringing the virus in from outside China. They disclosed this to the WHO as a warning to other nations to be vigilant with screening of outsiders when they too have managed to turn the tide. Also if you cross check with data coming out of South Korea and Germany you will see some correlations unless you believe they are all liars.
  15. Not true. China knows. They have lifted the lockdown order and things are looking good. As well as South Korea and a lot of data coming out of Europe. At this point we know a lot more than you think. On top of that they're working on getting FDA approval for certain treatments that are showing positive results so we don't only have to wait for a virus if we can find a way to treat those few that are at risk.
  16. Yh he looked different to me too but I've only seen her bf once before.
  17. Streaming is good so far on my side.
  18. Glad to hear it's just I haven't seem them not because they haven't been doing it.
  19. Yes stuff doll would be perfect! Don't even get me started on Martina's poor dog. Maybe I miss a lot of the interaction but that poor guy always looks ignored and depressed to me. Such a big energetic dog stuck in a tiny apartment.
  20. Unfortunately it's still there, if you ever catch them sitting down to eat you might see her feeding it but he/she is out of sight in the bottom left hand corner of the kitchen cam. Im sad to hear you haven't seen her play with it either 😞 I think Yanai is scared of it. Why did she even get it? Trying to copy Kitty maybe... I didn't know she had a car. Wow cats are so independent how could she fuck that up too, that's just awful, she shouldn't own pets.
  21. Remember it only appears like it's hitting us hard now because we're testing more. This is why I like watching the press briefings because they have a specific data expert that explains the data you see in the media thoroughly. My favorite thing she explained was that a lot of the data and and graphs you see are based on what would happen if nothing was done at all but they don't tell you that in the papers. As for the optimism I don't mind it. I'm ready to go back to work (I've had it and recovered to the best of my knowledge) and I'm sure there's a lot more like me who can go back into the public and be of no harm to others or themselves. While also making sure at-risk-groups are protected. Personally I can't see how that would be possible, but I trust that the smart people with all the facts that are working very hard on this will figure something out.
  22. While I'm happy, how do these guests keep showing up when they're supposed to be locked in. I guess Spain is not as strict as they say it is with the lockdown.
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