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Posts posted by rado07

  1. 15 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    You keep answering on someone who can’t watch as he doesn’t subscribe anymore but STRANGELY despite not watching , he wants to get all information through the forum what’s happening .. Well , someone who doesn’t like the project anymore but wanting to know details ..nothing more to add .

    you're right.
    sometimes I forget myself.😇🙆‍♂️

  2. 24 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    No need I haven't had a sub for over a month.  It's interesting to see how RLC manipulates the percieved top events of the day to generate subs.  This one is to ensure they snare the NA west coast.  The party will end at 5am

    RLC wants to make money.
    and they have to pay for the apartments and the tenants.
    it's a party, like many, and it ends maybe around 5:00 or maybe 4:00, and of course the ending takes into account US viewing habits. that's okay for me. I watch as long as I like it, when I don't like it anymore I turn it off and go to bed.
    A nice party, nothing more. the entertainment is ok.
    I'm not tired yet.

  3. nice talk with grandma. 👵
    Masha explains to grandma how Sam's drone works, and shows her the plaster cast of the face, and tells her how complex it was to make it, and of course there are the latest stories about the cats.  😊

  4. 4 hours ago, phantomcapsnet said:

    right but it is part of the concept of BDSM 

    It's tough;
    It was similar at the time with the Ropeman (or Bondage artist), Masha and Sophia. It was objected to and then no longer took place.
    It's also a part of BDSM, like you said, certainly partly off-putting to "normal" audiences, but there's an audience for that too.
    I see it as an experiment between the two of them, if it meets resistance or strong criticism, it no longer takes place in the apartment but outside.
    At Sam has Masha certainly found a partner who is open to a lot,it is a chance, but it's a balancing act.
    I didn't understand the thing about Ropeman at the time, in the meantime i've looked into the matter a bit, he sees himself as an artist, and from that point of view it's probably acceptable.
    So i hold back with new criticism, it's a different world, i watch as long as i can bear it, when i can't take it anymore, i watch Leora, there everything goes as usual without experiments. 😇

  5. Some points from the M&S phone call with Eva today:

    Talked about how she injured her hand in the catfight and how Sam was worried it might be sepsis but everything turned out fine; about her vacation in "Greece" on Cyprus, her first visit to a casino and the beautiful beaches there;
    She already has new holiday plans, but they are still vague.
    And she rode e-scooter with Sam. It was the first time since her fall, when she broke her knee.
    I think Sam helped her as an old skater and taught her the technique.🛴😇

  6. 12 minutes ago, DWI said:

    Well Rado, you're right about that...what a great movie...I probably watched it 10 times. And wasn't the actress Eva Green the future star? How appropriate...kind of like RLC's Eva. I have always loved watching RLC's Eva but I'm getting a bit concerned now. When she was with Sam in Russia, the seductions seemed different than now...its as though her and Mat are trying too hard and I'm not sure why. I'm not so sure they're a good fit in the current version of RLC. I have a feeling they're developing a "swinger" reputation that might not sit well with the other participants. I think they might be a bit too aggressive in their approach to creating a sexual tryst with other women. I think Mat needs to "cool his jets" and cut down on the drinking, but that's only an opinion. He seems like a nice enough fellow, but he can be a little freaky at times. I myself want them to be able to stay as a couple on RLC but I think they need to slow down and just socialize more with the other apartments for now, and stop trying to seduce...just try to develope friendships with no sexual intentions.

    absolute agreement

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