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Posts posted by rado07

  1. 14 minutes ago, van the man said:

    Lots of cuddles but no kisses!!! Not sure what Masha's position is on this hook up. She loves the intimacy but Elvis seems important to her (God knows why!!!)

    saw it too.
    Unfortunately, this Elvis is still on Masha's mind.
    but it is the first night. things develop.


  2. 20 minutes ago, philo said:

    If you can recall what parts of India Sam may have traveled in, it might help me to identify which Hindu spiritual practice Sam might identify with. If you cannot identify the specific areas, it would still be important to know if it was northern or southern India.  The Yogic spiritual lineage can be traced back more than 3000 years so each area of India identifies with a particular Guru. I was once able to communicate  with an Indian Immigrate Walmart employee in a rural southern state in the US because I knew who her Guru was in India. 

    if I remember correctly
    start in the north, himalayas, Himachal Pradesh to Mumbai and end in Goa as a backpacker

  3. 36 minutes ago, DWI said:

    Ok, I have a question for either you or rado. I never heard Sam speak English when in Russia with Eva, but if he does speak good English, is there a possibinity that unknown to us, Eva can speak English also? Mat, her new partner in B6 is very fluent in English so that would mean Eva has had two English-speaking partners. It would seem that she too might speak the language also as she is obviously a very  smart woman. Just curious on any info either of you might have. Thanks.

    from the past
    Sam is a well-travelled man
    For example, he made a long journey through India
    later he also received friends from India in St. Petersburg.
    Eva started learning English in Petersburg
    she had a private teacher who came to the apartment once a week.
    She can now speak some English. but I think it's still hard for them

  4. 29 minutes ago, philo said:

    It would not surprise me if many of the RLC Russians did not end up in Barcelona if they can get there. From my participation on another forum, there were several members who had personal expertise in areas of finance and Internet technology...areas that I am not familiar with. The value of that forum was that members freely shared their knowledge and expertise. One member did extensive research on the original RLC company. He learned and shared with everyone, that there was a substantial investment in Barcelona by the Russians. The had a full service adult complex that included a club, talent agencies and photography companies. It included domiciles and temporary housing facilities for  RLC talent in between assignments. The infrastructure also included a legitimate university where people could earn real degrees in such fields as public relations etc. It was claimed that Kammie got her degree there. The financing people on the forum claimed that the infrastructure was financed by the spoils from the dissolution of the Soviet Union, where everything USSR was sold off to the highest bidder, thus creating the Russian oligarchy.  I don't know if any of that was true. I am bi-lingual with English as my second language. My first language is only spoken privately among family members and friends and it is not Russian. 

    I did not know that.
    Such things are quite possible. Along with London and other cities, Barcelona is also a good place for Russian money.

    I listen to Masha, I write what I think is important and leads to the understanding of the participants.
    Since Elvis has been here I haven't listened much, I didn't like this man.

  5. 8 minutes ago, philo said:

    Are you an RLC on-camera participant or behind the scenes?

    Just listen.
    minimal knowledge of Russian, and in time you will have a source and, if things go well, a personal connection.

  6. 11 minutes ago, philo said:

    This is good information if accurate. I curious to know how you have access to such information if you care to disclose. It's not something that most of us would have the opportunity to know about. Thanks.

    I know from Dasha
    she was in Russia for a few months together with Sasha (because of a death in the family)
    Dasha organized the meeting.


  7. 10 minutes ago, DWI said:

     I do think this situation could be part of the huge migration of talented Russians out of their homeland. Estimates were originally 20,000 Russians were fleeing out of the country but the newest count is over 200,000. So when fleeing Russia, the first thing Russians probably would do is contact old friends in Europe to help them. Maybe that's what's happening with Sam. It's almost like Masha has her own "underground railroad"... I wouldn't be shocked by that. I would be shocked to see Sam move on to Barcelona, but Spain is large country with a substancial Russian population in a few cities. I have no idea whether Eva and Sam still communicate with each other but that might be interesting. I would not think Eva would enjoy Sam being in Barca. Then again, maybe Sam is thinking about migrating to Rome. I mean his old friend Masha has made it there, why can't he? Of course there is the language barrier but I think Rome does have a reasonably sized Russian community...I'll leave it to others here to chime in on that. But wow, what a day on RLC. Now all we need is to have RLC try to bring Jane and Dick back. That would really shake things up.

    Sam speaks good English so he won't have much of a problem in Rome.
    and of course Eva is still friends with Sam,
    last summer in Petersburg there was a big meeting with Sasha, Dasha, Baldy and Eva.

    maybe the two (M&S) will soon be visiting Spain for a few days?

  8. 10 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

    Don't you think that he already knows?

    we will see.
    Elvis is an egomaniac, he had problems with Alessando. Now Sam is constantly present.
    Even if it is a non-sexual relationship with Sam, Elvis will reject it.
    and somehow he'll show his resentment to Sam

  9. 2 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Is Sam bi?  Would RLC ever contemplate something like this on their site?  

    At best we see a MFM threesome.  At worst ... hmmmmm

    Sam isn't bi
    but being present in the apartment is certainly difficult or unacceptable for Elvis

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