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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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5 minutes ago, Mauri said:


Thank you Mauri.  What I found strange, at least to me anyway, was this one little phrase from that translation.

"Helen tells him she's going to take her friends out (the new girls), they haven't been out yet. The Man asks if they are mixed with the other girls, Helens replies "no, they are normal girls". I think that she tells him the other girls are leaving Sunday."

What do you suppose that means???

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6 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Grazie Mauri. Quello che ho trovato strano, almeno per me comunque, era questa piccola frase da quella traduzione.

" Helen gli dice che sta andando a prendere i suoi amici fuori (le nuove ragazze), non sono stati fuori ancora. L'uomo chiede se sono mescolati con le altre ragazze, Helens risponde 'no, sono ragazze normali'. Credo che Che le dice che le altre ragazze partono domenica. "

Cosa pensi che questo significa ???

That night helen came out with queen and sher ... "the girls leave Sunday" I do not know, I thought lola polya and anna, not nicole .. but the night nicole brought the boys home, one of them asked Lol what they stayed in barcelona, and I seem to have realized that she replied in September

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:

That night helen came out with queen and sher ... "the girls leave Sunday" I do not know, I thought lola polya and anna, not nicole .. but the night nicole brought the boys home, one of them asked Lol what they stayed in barcelona, and I seem to have realized that she replied in September


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29 minutes ago, Mauri said:


Helen's translation on the phone tells the girls whether they go on Sunday, and just leaves nicole ??


21 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

What are you saying here??

Last Saturday I posted Helen's phone conversation. I said "I think that she tells him the other girls are leaving Sunday". I wasn't sure about this and nearly didn't include it. During the conversation Helen says "the other girls go tomorrow" followed by a word that I couldn't make out. I now know that she said "the other girls go tomorrowland". Tomorrowland is the name of the festival last weekend that had the big fire. There is nothing in the conversation that indicates who she is referring to when she says "the other girls".

I apologise for the error and for not making it clearer that I wasn't certain about this part.

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