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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

Unfortunately she wanted to go bud, or her parents did...

yes I know  but she was the only one that was open   and I like sofie it just that she will never be like  nic and she will be missed a whole lot here

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Just now, nagachilli2 said:

Will anybody...??...:heart:

hell no and that's why I say there will be no one ever that can take her place  if rlc keep bring girl that only do what they are told to do like what they have in both b apt now 

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il y a 20 minutes, bud2966 a dit :

oui je sais, mais elle était la seule qui était ouverte et j'aime Sofie juste qu'elle ne sera jamais comme nic et elle nous manquera beaucoup ici

Hello all Bud see the positive side of Sofie, she is the only girl who is masturbated in three different places (bedroom, bathroom, and living room) even my favorite girls are only in two places (Karol Angelina) And I must say that the bate of the salon was different from the others then that Sofie used his fingers. Look at the cam 1 in replay you will understand what I mean, but to be honest it lasts only a few seconds I is not the exact time, but you will take pleasure to seek . No one can replace Nicole, she is the girl that everyone wants to see on RLC. Sofie also is unique but for other reasons

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