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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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13 minutes ago, Spock said:

I can not remember this one. Maybe i missed that too. ... Still, one time in about 4 month. They are guests in RLC that had more sex in a few hours of presence than she has in all of her time in this apartments together. 

BTW, For many months, she is actually already "active" or "passive" in this project?

I don't understand. Since yesterday you were complaining about the lack of guests and the girls having their real life outside. We know last 4 months a lot of guests showed up,  they had 2 after club in the apartment, we saw most of the girls with men and "sexual behaviours" (Lola, Polya, Anna, Sofie, Nicole) and Vasilisa brought her BF a few times but even if she did not have sexyet with him in front of cam she already bated twice without cover.

Now you are complaining  to the lack of sex.

You're obviously free to like or dislike "girls in vacation" apartments but your rants do not seem consistent.  I'm lost :huh:

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2 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

i hope change all girls.

only Sofie and Vasilisa are ok in this time.

and i hope return: Rebecca, Rosmary, Megan and Jessica

Maybe, it would be better to have a cast of people never in the apartment before. Maybe, a new agency would be helpful. 

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5 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

Spero di cambiare tutte le ragazze.

Solo Sofie e Vasilisa sono in questo momento.

E spero di tornare: Rebecca, Rosmary, Megan e Jessica

for me Sofie is useless here. since she arrived, she did nothing but sleep and stay in her room even when she was not sick

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6 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

i hope change all girls.

only Sofie and Vasilisa are ok in this time.

and i hope return: Rebecca, Rosmary, Megan and Jessica

I like all the girls you mentionned but except Nicole (but she had hard times), the recents return are failure (Polya, Lola and even Anna)

Rosemary could comm 2 months (January and february). No beach and no big night life in Barcelona  :biggrin:

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4 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

Non capisco. Da ieri si è lamentato per la mancanza di ospiti e le ragazze che hanno la loro vita reale fuori. Sappiamo che negli ultimi 4 mesi ci sono stati un sacco di ospiti, hanno avuto 2 anni dopo l'arresto dell'appartamento, abbiamo visto la maggior parte delle ragazze con uomini e "comportamenti sessuali" (Lola, Polya, Anna, Sofie, Nicole) e Vasilisa ha portato il suo BF Poche volte, ma anche se non ha avuto rapporti sessuali con lui davanti alla camma, lei ha già battuto due volte senza copertura.

Ora si lamenta della mancanza di sesso.

Ovviamente è libera di piacciono o non amare gli appartamenti "ragazze in vacanza", ma i tuoi rantelli non sembrano coerenti. mi sono perso:huh:


I told her, here they just want to see girls getting sex and masturbating

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1 minute ago, phantomcapsnet said:

I don't understand. Since yesterday you were complaining about the lack of guests and the girls having their real life outside. We know last 4 month a lot of guest showed up, they had 2 after clun in the apartment, we saw most of the girls with men and "sexual behaviours" (Lola, Polya, Anna, Sofie, Nicole) and Vasilisa brought her BF a few times but even if she did not have sex with him in front of cam she already bated twice without cover.

Now you are complaining  to the lack of sex.

You're obviously free to like or dislike "girls in vacation" apartments but your rants does not seem consistent.  I'm lost :huh:

Yes. I do. I miss a lot of things that would normaly take place in apartments. More guests, real masturbations, sex, ... and ... I would like to not see some things that are normaly not happening in appartments like bodypainting events etc. 

All this do not make it a rant, just my opinion.

BTW, I was a big fan of Nicole in this apartment. She has really lived there right from the beginning. It is not about the sex. It is about the sex as part of a real life.

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4 minutes ago, Mauri said:


Le ho detto, qui vogliono solo vedere le ragazze ottenere il sesso e masturbarsi

if I can.
It's not just the act of masturbation.
But it's all the preparation phatos.
The game of the girl (who knows we are watching and having fun to make us crazy).
See Leora, Masha, Nelly, Rosmary
And Rebecca in orgy with Megan - BEST OF VIAGRA
This is what I would like to see.
Complicity and interaction of girls with us !!

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2 minutes ago, Mikelima1970 said:

se posso.
Non è solo l'atto della masturbazione.
Ma sono tutti i phat di preparazione.
Il gioco della ragazza (chi sa che stiamo guardando e divertendosi per farci pazzo).
Vedi Leora, Masha, Nelly, Rosmary
E Rebecca in orgia con Megan - BEST OF VIAGRA
Questo è quello che vorrei vedere.
Complicità e interazione delle ragazze con noi !!

but you will never see it

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5 minutes ago, Spock said:

Yes. I do. I miss a lot of things that would normaly take place in apartments. More guests, real masturbations, sex, ... and ... I would like to not see some things that are normaly not happening in appartments like bodypainting events etc. 

All this do not make it a rant, just my opinion.

BTW, I was a big fan of Nicole in this apartment. She has really lived there right from the beginning. It is not about the sex. It is about the sex as part of a real life.

  • It is all teasing. .. :( ... This is by far the worst cast ever. ... :(
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