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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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Sofie is shame on alternate days, the night masturbates under the sheets, after a few hours, licking the pussy in full light from an unknown medium, now masturbating half hidden, is a strange girl, but very beautiful

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4 hours ago, Spock said:

It is not irrelevant, it simply takes time. The time she need for her fake orgasm is within the time people need to reach the excitement phase (about 10-30 sec). It just does not fit to the assumption of a real orgasm, even if I would have liked to see one. 

Image result for spock very logical

So please quit trying to be my character Mr. Box--You are dishonoring Leonard Nemoy :dodgy:

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2 minutes ago, happyone said:


So please quit trying to be my character--You are dishonoring Leonard Nemoy :dodgy:

...you do not seem a very happy person ...


... please, let us stop this topic. I know you want it to be real. Arguments will not change this. 

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42 minutes ago, Sergio said:

I say what most people think, then I commented on the empty beds of the apartments, as the rules say

You do not speak for most people....You only speak for you. I thought you canceled? 

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