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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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Just now, phantomcapsnet said:

i don't think RLC is in lack of ressource . There are a couple of apartments  i would like to see closed but i don't claim fot it. I just don't watch them

... and i will not force you to claim for it. ... :)

Anyway, to fly over and pay so many girls, actually doing nothing at all, it a big waste of money. If there would open an roommate apartment, with girls actually life in the city (not in barcelona please) would make it way more easy. They could even add some rooms for guests girls that only stay for some time and leave after some months. 

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50 minutes ago, Spock said:

Maybe, the concept for B1 and B2 is more challenging as the concept of the couple apartments. The point is that RLC is failing to show the private life of the girls. That is why i think it would be better to close this apartments and use the resources for something better. I would like to see a 2nd roommate apartment. Here, the girls would have time to adapt and a circel of friends to life for real

Well to satisfy your inconsistencies-they should just rename both Barca apartments to roommate apartments-(even though the roommates would only be temporary cause Barcelona is a tourist town) :dodgy:

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Just now, happyone said:

Well to satisfy your inconsistencies-they should just rename both Barca apartments to roommate apartments-(even though the roommates would only be temporary cause Barcelona is a tourist town) :dodgy:

Actually, if RLC would be able to make this places working, i would be happy and also a big fan. They did this in the past, maybe, they can do this again. ... but ... Currently, they were not able to do so for months. 

It is time to try something different. Maybe, an apartment not in a tourist town and maybe an apartment with girls actually agree to the project. 

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22 minutes ago, martyen said:

I have already expressed for Polya Lola Anna Caroline Stella these girls make use of the apartments as a hotel to make money outside I said a few months ago that the return of Polya and Lola was not a good idea that they were there for the whole summer period (closing night clubs mid September) why close B1 and B2? RLC has the means to keep these two apartments and open apartments that you like it's just a matter of casting

I never think RLC will just get rid of b1&b2, it is kind of a flagship to RLC, but RLC should really look more into the casting, have an idea of what is expected, and what is accepted, then try do cast persons that fit in with this intention.

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22 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

i don't think RLC is in lack of ressource . There are a couple of apartments  i would like to see closed but i don't claim fot it. I just don't watch them

That concept is to simple for others to grasp. :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I never think RLC will just get rid of b1&b2, it is kind of a flagship to RLC, but RLC should really look more into the casting, have an idea of what is expected, and what is accepted, then try do cast persons that fit in with this intention.

The flagship? ... Sure, they were this in the past, but I do not think this is the case any more. ... Currently, everything is build on the hope that something will get better. ... but ... It simply do not get better, it got even worse.

But more importantly, a girls apartment at home could be something really working. I think, it is time for a try. Close B1/B2 and start something new. :)

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