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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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3 hours ago, bud2966 said:

I see renata  is doing like the rest in b1 hiding in bathtub to bate knowing she cant be seen

So I'm assuming you aren't counting yesterday, or you just didn't see both Sher and Regina bating with the shower hose directed straight at the cam!...Sher's was great, the best bate of that type I've seen here...:biggrin:

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15 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Good afternoon guys...I see B2 is UM. It must be to fix the lock on Lola's door...:dodgy:...Don't be surprised to see Irina there when it comes back online...Probably just as a guest again but who knows...:biggrin:

I agree about the lock on the door----as for the other speculation---:dodgy:

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3 minutes ago, Spock said:

The flagship? ... Sure, they were this in the past, but I do not think this is the case any more. ... Currently, everything is build on the hope that something will get better. ... but ... It simply do not get better, it got even worse.

But more importantly, a girls apartment at home could be something really working. I think, it is time for a try. Close B1/B2 and start something new. :)

Yes, I do not dissagree on that, I'm open to that, thinking it would be better than this, but we can let it rest alittle now, bring it up when it gets relevant again, instead of filling side after side with the exact same statement, and no real debate going on.... repititions as monotonus as BB used to be, no offence, but it soon gets irritating, and just piss people off.

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3 minutes ago, ed2 said:

Yes, I do not dissagree on that, I'm open to that, thinking it would be better than this, but we can let it rest alittle now, bring it up when it gets relevant again, instead of filling side after side with the exact same statement, and no real debate going on.... repititions as monotonus as BB used to be, no offence, but it soon gets irritating, and just piss people off.

Thank you ed---I too am getting tired of the cut and paste rhetoric. 

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Was sich manche Gedanken um die "B-Wohnungen" machen !

Der größte Schwachsinn wäre diese Wohnungen zu schließen !


Was ich zu bemängeln hatte, dass in diesen Wohnungen durch RLC mit "ehemaligen" Mädchen teilweise zu schnell wieder eingesetzt werden, etwas mehr Abstand könnte hier helfen.

Neue Darstellerinnen brauchen eine "Einarbeitungszeit" , manchmal kommt das wahre Talent der Mädchen erst beim zweiten Einsatz zu Tage.

Vielleicht hat RLC diesmal nicht so die "glückliche Hand" mit der Darstellerinnenbesetzung gehabt ?

Mir gefallen z.b. Sher & Regina nicht, was solles, villeicht geht doch noch mal was und gehen werden sie wieder.

Wer glaubt, in den B-Wohnungen das "wahre Leben" zu finden, der geht auch zum Lachen in den Keller !


Ich zum Beispiel interessiere mich fast nur für die B-Wohnungen , Nina & Kira , gelegendlich noch für K&K&K.

Überhaupt nicht die Wohnungen der Amateur-Porno-Darsteller, genannt auch "Dauerficker"


Wobei ich bei K&K&K bemerken muss, dass sich Kamila und Kristy nach meinem dafürhalten mehr ihre Priorität in der "beruflichen Zukunft" sehen.

Hier sollte in absehbarer Zeit ein neues "Konzept" gefunden werden.

Sofa sitzen ist nun mal nicht so spannend, dass einige User dafür Geld ausgeben möchten.


Ich habe mein ABO, werde es auch noch weiterbehalten und mich hier im Forum über manche User amüsieren.

Ich möchte nicht auf die "Barcelona Wohnungen" verzichten - Es wird wieder neue Mädchen geben, die auch mal die "Puppen tanzen" lassen werden.


Da die Übersetzungen durch Google oder Sonstige den Sinn des Textes verzerren verzichte ich auf die "Übersetzer" !

Since the translations by Google or others distort the meaning of the text I renounce the "translator"!

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42 minutes ago, Spock said:

... and i will not force you to claim for it. ... :)

Anyway, to fly over and pay so many girls, actually doing nothing at all, it a big waste of money. If there would open an roommate apartment, with girls actually life in the city (not in barcelona please) would make it way more easy. They could even add some rooms for guests girls that only stay for some time and leave after some months. 

More roommate apartments would be a waste of time....People would complain just as much about them. Including you.

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39 minutes ago, Spock said:

Actually, if RLC would be able to make this places working, i would be happy and also a big fan. They did this in the past, maybe, they can do this again. ... but ... Currently, they were not able to do so for months. 

It is time to try something different. Maybe, an apartment not in a tourist town and maybe an apartment with girls actually agree to the project. 

That'll be the day...rolling.gif

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8 minutes ago, happyone said:

Thank you ed---I too am getting tired of the cut and paste rhetoric. 

I'm tierd too, cause it seems it is not possible to exchange thoughts without dissrespecting the opponent, you know where I stand, I'm very critical, but there is a point when there is no real debate, just pissing other people off.

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