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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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il y a 1 minute, Mikelima1970 a dit :

avez-vous un chanel privat avec Zlata ?!

x moi, elle est un aneba !!

Mike I see that my humor does not work with you, nor the emoticons that accompanies the end of my message (sarcasm and joke) obviously it was a joke I think just the opposite. I have a question for you what is an Aneba?


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6 minutes ago, martyen said:

Mike vedo che il mio umorismo non funziona con te, né le emoticon che accompagna la fine del mio messaggio (sarcasmo e scherzo), ovviamente, che fosse uno scherzo penso esattamente il contrario. Ho una domanda per voi che cosa è un Aneba?


no no works well on your humor and my answer was in line with your !!!!
amoeba is an insect without utility, in Italian it is used to tell a useless person.
I actually had to think I'm writing to the world and not in italy ....
I apologize

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il y a 2 minutes, Mikelima1970 a dit :

ne fonctionne pas bien sur votre humeur et ma réponse était en ligne avec votre !!!!
amibe est un insecte sans utilité, il est utilisé en italien pour dire à une personne inutile.
J'ai dû penser que je vous écris au monde et non en Italie ....
Je suis désolé

thank you Mike for your response and I learned something about the word amoeba that perfectly matches Zlata, sorry for her

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5 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

I'm getting frustrated now. I'm all for the girls only offering to us what they're comfortable with but IRINA, PLEASE GET YOUR KIT OFF!!...sad face emoticon


Do you think that the couples in RLC were comfortable at their first days to show their private life on cams?... Never ever. ... but ... They overcame their restraint and make it work. Without them, the concept of RLC would not work.

What i will never understand is, why this should be different for the girls apartments? 

Occasional presence, teasing show, fake masturbation shows and fake romances are not real life. It is time to kick out this bullshit and restart the apartments or close them for good.


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