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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes October 2017

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It's been a long time since I've seen a woman get ready to go out with intention of getting totally wasted and laid as Victoria did last night. With all the booze, pill popping and drops from the magic bottle into her water glass there was only one thing on her mind. Still she paid the price when she came home with collapsing on the bathroom floor for a couple of hours and throwing up and it's anyone's guess if she got laid :dodgy:. I think Angelika is none too impressed today although she is more intent in hiding her bits than anything else which is a shame since she has one hell of a body from the candle lit bath saga this afternoon and has a mighty fine pair of boobs. 

Will she loosen up - who knows or will she be as cunning as Irina?? One thing is for sure and that is if she does lose her inhibitions then it will be well worth waiting for :cool: 

I think a blue moon occasion comes to mind :biggrin:

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