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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes October 2017

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5 minutes ago, cylinderopuntia said:

Why not fashion photos?

because there are hundreds of younger and more beautiful girls than them, and in fashion photos the girls do not wear home-made clothes

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27 minuti fa, Sergio ha detto:

perché ci sono centinaia di ragazze più giovani e più belle di loro e nelle foto di moda le ragazze non indossano abiti casalinghi

Leona ha fatto foto with Angelina in questi giorni, è a Barcellona

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2 hours ago, Sergio said:

without offending anyone, but what kind of photos can make Regina , even Renata is a pretty girl but definitely not fit to make fashion photos, do not you mean to make sexy photos

Facial photos for make-up ads...........maybe ( ? ) .

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4 hours ago, adamneve said:

Sorry to read..I hope she is ok... damn.. if it is the air freshner it does make you wonder just WHAT we are breathing in as "scent"...:confused:... again it ain't natural  these artificial fragrances do need to display on the packaging exactly what is in them and  health warnings...

Room probably had a strong smell of pussy .................LOL .

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