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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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Is it me or RLC where changing rooms takes more time than going from apt. to apt.. I know my internet is fast, and i know the usual lag when an apt. gets hot with all the viewer traffic,but changing cameras to go to a different room in one apt. seems to take more time than switching from one apt. to the other. I have no ad-blocker running on the site or any other apps running in the background. I'm thinking it's RLC not using subscriber money to upgrade servers.:angry::huh: I know if i were to run a site, i would want to make it as fast,easy and enjoyable  -(((same as i like my women:blush:)))-   for my subscribers because they are paying the rent,,lol.

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10 minutes ago, RAGNAR said:

Is it me or RLC where changing rooms takes more time than going from apt. to apt.. I know my internet is fast, and i know the usual lag when an apt. gets hot with all the viewer traffic,but changing cameras to go to a different room in one apt. seems to take more time than switching from one apt. to the other. I have no ad-blocker running on the site or any other apps running in the background. I'm thinking it's RLC not using subscriber money to upgrade servers.:angry::huh: I know if i were to run a site, i would want to make it as fast,easy and enjoyable  -(((same as i like my women:blush:)))-   for my subscribers because they are paying the rent,,lol.

My internet is not the fastest, but I too think it takes unusually long to switch between cameras.

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