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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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27 minutes ago, Xide said:

She just found out she loves pussy...Aint that enough....

When I found out I loved pussy I didn't get depressed.  Had I of known that was the beginning of my dumbness I might have though..:biggrin:

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OT...Can someone clarify why/how is it happening? LIVE cam 10 in A&E is showing that the Jacuzzi is empty while LIVE cam 11 is showing there is a couple...its like a recorded coverage being shown which is not aligned.. 

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Just now, Zinc said:

OT...Can someone clarify why/how is it happening? LIVE cam 10 in A&E is showing that the Jacuzzi is empty while LIVE cam 11 is showing there is a couple...its like a recorded coverage being shown which is not aligned.. 

I have them in cam 10 ??

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1 minute ago, Zinc said:

OT ... Quelqu'un peut-il clarifier pourquoi / comment cela se passe-t-il? LIVE cam 10 dans A & E montre que le jacuzzi est vide tandis que LIVE cam 11 montre qu'il y a un couple ... c'est comme une couverture enregistrée qui n'est pas alignée. 

I don't have problem

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Just now, Noldus said:

try to reload your browser 

hmmm dont know..its only happening in the A&E apartment..infact the same thing is being repeated for the last one hour..the couple goes to the jacuzzi then to the sauna then to the jacuzzi...same thing is being repeated over...and clicking on the cams showing awkward things..like couple at the sauna and jacuzzi at the same time or only appearing in jazuzzi in cam 11 and not in cam 10...the preview cams at the bottom are fine but not the LIVE cams...even now the couple is appearing in the jacuzzi but this is a repeat..i am seeing it for the 5th time now... 

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1 minute ago, Zinc said:

hmmm je ne sais pas .. ce qui se passe seulement dans l'appartement A & E..infact la même chose est répétée pour la dernière heure ... le couple va au jacuzzi puis au sauna puis au jacuzzi ... la même chose est répétée plus ... et en cliquant sur les cames montrant des choses maladroites .. comme couple au sauna et jacuzzi en même temps ou seulement apparaître dans jazuzzi dans la came 11 et pas dans la came 10 ... les caméras de prévisualisation au fond sont bien, mais pas les caméras en direct ... même maintenant le couple apparaît dans le jacuzzi mais c'est une répétition .. je le vois pour la 5ème fois maintenant ... 

There was the same problem yesterday thus maybe as that begins again for some, because I have no problem with what you say

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