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Betty & Rick Part #1

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2 minutes ago, catalonia said:

t will be necessary to see if that girl fits in the bathtub with Viky because she is very tall

It is amazing where you can put your legs in a bathtub, even with a tall person. All the more fun for trying.

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2 minutes ago, catalonia said:


I do not think they went to listen to Betty's repertoire

So, he has been here before, and gone home and told his wife (without somehow getting her upset) about what a great time he had, and that she should come and see/sample for herself. Is that what is going on, or do I have too vivid an imagination?

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7 minutes ago, tweety said:

Så har han varit här förut, och gått hem och berättade för sin fru (utan något få henne upprörd) om vad en stor tid han hade, och att hon skulle komma och se / prov för sig själv. Är det vad som händer, eller måste jag alltför livlig en fantasi?

In Saturday i think he was with Rick and Betty


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