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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (May 2018)

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3 minutes ago, Fagen said:

Sofie knows what to do to stay as top cam for 20-30 mins, doesnt have to do much just a little touching here and there, and then they are done and can raise their bonus.

That is correct Fagen, you can call it what it is: She is defiantly a professional and taught Naomi well.

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With Aria in front, it does not seem, even if everything is a show, that they do a lot.
Before, at least, we had some good show between Sofie and Naomi, but right now, already, not even that.
It seems that trying something with Aria seems harder than finding water in the Valley of Death.
This time, I think that the search for girls has failed, at least, they do not seem to meet the standards.


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On the other hand, it does not seem that neither the presence of Mila nor the cigars of laughter, seems to cause a change in these girls.
As someone has come to say, these girls, have to put the batteries, or will be just two other girls like the sisters, even worse, because the sisters, at least, showed his body without any inconvenience.

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7 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Aria bate

Without wanting anyone to be offended by my words. She looks like a sexual predator.
His sexual appetite is quite high, and I do not think that with the boys is different.

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