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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic September #2 / October

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13 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Pirate, you know I love yah and love to hear what you think but you just summed up Megan in a nutshell! I will contend that Megan is as fake as shit whether you like her or not......just my opinion my friend.  Her whole world turned upside down due to the tall blond beast.......and I can't even remember her name lol.  That shows to go you how much I care about these slutty girls.....my bad!  The same tall blond beast is a girl that I heard talking to a guy and saying that she didn't allow guys to come back to her place when she was in B2 but low and behold the next thing you know, there was all types of guys showing up. I think her name was Lola and she is the one that took Megan out one weekend if I'm not mistaken, got her drunk and passed her around to all the high rollers like a ragdoll.  That is the weekend that changed Megan's life......didn't make her a woman, just turned her into the #@$! she is!!! Hell, they even put the apartment UM for them to entertain these assholes....fucking the subscriber once again.

No sir, I could give two shits about Megan and her boy toy and the shit she does by exploiting the girls around her.................fuck her!!!

Sorry Pirate but I'm going to tell you the way I see it!!


Yes, it was Lola. One reason why Megan left in the first place. I'm sorry to hear how you feel about Megan. She has no clue who you are. 

I have no right to question you Harley, but there is a reason for everything. I don't understand why would a young lady like Megan piss you off? Is it because she has a Boyfriend? I know you like only women and so do I. Do you remember six months ago, in PM? I shared with you how I was Fucked over by someone who pretended to be me, and it turns out to be my ex-girlfriend, and I curse out the Bitch for ruining my reputation on all my social media, and I overreacted by using the same colorful words you posted on this thread? And you humbly told me c'mon Joey no need to talk about someone that way and it will be OK and now its time to move on. I think... if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts and friends like you Harley. I only know a few people I can call friends here, and Megan happens to be one of them. Not that one will lose sleep over it. Peace Joey

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4 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Pirata, tu sai che io amo yah e l'amore per sentire cosa ne pensate, ma appena riassunta Megan in poche parole! Io sostengo che Megan è così falso come la merda che vi piaccia o no il suo ...... solo la mia opinione il mio amico. Tutto il suo mondo capovolto a causa della bestia alto e biondo ....... e non riesco nemmeno a ricordare il suo nome lol. Questo dimostra di andare quanto mi importa di queste ragazze troia ..... il mio male! La stessa bestia alto e biondo è una ragazza che ho sentito parlare con un ragazzo e dicendo che lei non ha permesso ragazzi di tornare al suo posto quando era in B2, ma bassa ed ecco la prossima cosa sapete, c'era ogni tipo di ragazzi rivelando. Credo che il suo nome era Lola e lei è quella che ha preso Megan fuori un fine settimana, se non sbaglio, ha ottenuto il suo ubriaco e il suo passato in giro per tutti gli high rollers come un ragdoll. Questo è il fine settimana che ha cambiato Megan' la vita s ...... non ha fatto di lei una donna, solo il suo trasformato nel # @ $! lei è!!! L'inferno, hanno anche messo l'appartamento di messaggistica unificata per loro di intrattenere questi stronzi .... cazzo ancora una volta l'abbonato.

No signore, potrebbe dare due merde circa Megan e il suo giocattolo ragazzo e la merda che fa sfruttando le ragazze intorno a lei ................. il suo cazzo !!!

Spiacente Pirate ma ho intenzione di dirvi il mio modo di vedere !!

It s so sad your life,how long do you use only to find theories? I do not understand what is difficult to accept that has a boy, everyone is free to manage their reaction as they see fit, shit why? Whenever the girls in b4 come out she always stays at home and I still do not understand why to keep insulting these girls, do not you like the show? Do not look any more, if you think that your rudeness changes my opinion you lose only time and money, all the girls who come will do it for money and this will never change, peace.

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