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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic November 2018 #3

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admittedly,crying is restrained, but listen well to sniffing and sobs when she is in front of the mirror of her bedroom



Tina is the least pretty girl(thick body) in the band, and when she goes out in club (when she does not stay at the apartment), she is always the first to return, and often very early to 6 am
Success is not for her, she knows it and compensates with laughter with the others roomates, but all this is hard to live(mostly outside,and even more in club)

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2 minutes ago, zzakary said:

admittedly,crying is restrained, but listen well to sniffing and sobs when she is in front of the mirror of her bedroom



Tina is the least pretty girl(thick body) in the band, and when she goes out club (when she does not stay at the apartment), she is always the first to return, and often very early to 6 am
Success is not for her, she knows it and compensates with laughter with the others roomate, but all this is hard to live

I agree with you 100%. She always is the first to come back when they go out. I asked days ago when Deb/Miranda were running out every night why they did not include her.

She stayed alone in her room and Karla sensed that and spent time with her. They will come to her for a facial massage and hang out at home but don't want to go out with her. I really wish there was audio of the departing speech she gave to Karla.

You notice Deborah did not give a toast or speech but went to get in the tub and later out with her alone, again leaving Tina behind. Karla did hug and kiss her goodbye though.

For some reason, she gets no respect from the other girls. 

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