moreau Posted January 11, 2019 Posted January 11, 2019 Éva est tellement belle les seins nus que je lui pardonne pour le linge non rangé Éva is so beautiful topless that I forgive her for the laundry not tidy
aots74b Posted January 12, 2019 Posted January 12, 2019 Anyone know what app Sam and Eva are using to do 3d models of each others heads?
moreau Posted January 12, 2019 Posted January 12, 2019 il me semble période mensuelle et période sans tabac ...c ' est l ' abstinence totale it seems to me monthly period and period without tobacco ... it is total abstinence
nadiuska Posted January 13, 2019 Posted January 13, 2019 se non ricordo male Eva ha avuto il ciclo dopo natale.....Secondo me è successo qualcosa a Capodanno quando sono mancati x qualche giorno, da allora solo 2 brevi scopate ( x a soddisfare Sam, a letto era asciutta e senza crema ha sofferto un pò ( cosa che eccita Sam)ma tanta tanta provocazione da parte di Eva... anche adesso in vasca che gli mostra prima la figa ( e lui fa la foto) poi si gira ( e foto al culo) poi si masturba un pò e Sam che fà ? si masturba e viene nel lavabo. Credo sia in "castigo" per qualcosa, Eva lo provoca con il suo culo sempre in primo piano e lui......nada 1
moreau Posted January 13, 2019 Posted January 13, 2019 Éva a un joli poilu entre les cuisses ...elle a plus de poils que Baldy sur la tête Éva has a nice hairy between the thighs ... she has more hair than Baldy on the head
nadiuska Posted January 13, 2019 Posted January 13, 2019 Si, e penso sia ancora + sensuale che quando era depilata.... 1
moos54 Posted January 13, 2019 Posted January 13, 2019 On 1/11/2019 at 10:08 AM, moreau said: c ' est très bien Sam de mettre ta bite et ton doigt dans le cul de Éva ......mais si tu pouvais aussi mettre ton pied pour qu'elle range le linge et la valise ...depuis 5 jours que Baldy est parti l ' appartement ressemble un souk africain ...avec le grand froid à St Peterborough Éva est en hibernation artificielle it's very good Sam to put your cock and your finger in the ass of Éva ...... but if you could also put your foot so that it tidies the linen and the suitcase ... since 5 days that Baldy left the apartment looks like an African souk ... with the big cold in St Peterborough Éva is in artificial hibernation il est assez grand pour le faire lui même 😁
nadiuska Posted January 13, 2019 Posted January 13, 2019 Eva continua a torturarlo, stamattina gli ha fatto un pompino, con venuta in bocca ( come piace a Sam ) poi lui si è messo a dormire e lei al pc in camera.... 1
moreau Posted January 13, 2019 Posted January 13, 2019 8 hours ago, nadiuska said: Eva continua a torturarlo, stamattina gli ha fatto un pompino, con venuta in bocca ( come piace a Sam ) poi lui si è messo a dormire e lei al pc in camera.... Éva removed the tobacco but not the mustache cigar Éva a supprimé le tabac mais pas le cigare à moustache
piedpiper1968 Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Eva baby you look so hot in your new panties with no top on. Love the new panties!! 1
Tiviaccro Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Qu'est ce qu'elle a Eva en ce moment de ne mettre que sa robe très très longue qui lui arrive jusqu'au bout des chevilles. Sa petite robe courte qui laisse voir ses belles jambes en collant, lui va si bien. 1
piedpiper1968 Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 All evidence to the contrary given Sam just got through fucking Eva, but I think Sam caught Eva giving Baldy a very nice goodbye make out session at the door. You could not see them actually kiss but you could see her approach him out of sight of Sam sitting in his chair in the kitchen and then see Baldy's head dip IMHO giving Eva a kiss. Sam came into the hall and I think caught them as he then showed Eva and Baldy how to say goodbye properly as he shook Eva's hand. Too funny. 1
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