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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic January 2019 #1

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my email now to rlc!!!


it's just impossible to see naked girls with only heels!
even yesterday evening we went near (Maluma would be the only high with heels!) but the girls have made fun of me!
Oh well
As for Kitty, can we make her shoes like Amina (Black, heel 14, plateau, open at the tip)?
and hope to have her naked with only heels?
and hope to make the host boy sexy show?
dear rlc you have to rediscover the spirit of this site
is a site of voyeurs, maniacs and wankers ......
we need to see what we hope for
because we pay and not a little
and the service is not even remotely close to how much you pay.
instead a compliment for technical support
always available and fast
although sometimes the problem does not resolve
I hope in a 2019 with Rebecca and bisexual friends
you miss a lot of girls from the night orgy of barcelona
the vs censorship killed the site
good work and a lot of health and happiness to all

P.S. I know so much that you will never read this mail but I do not lose hope of having all the naked rlc girls with heels like Amina !!

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I think before long we will see my lovely Elvira with Bea.  This group all seem to like girl/girl sex and there are no monogamous pairings yet and may never be.  We've seen them playing in different combinations and there doesn't seem to be any jealousy at all.  They are experimenting.  Mila and Oksi I think will both be instrumental in leading them along.  Just my opinion but I think the best is yet to come.  Hmmm catchy name for a song. 

BTW for my money they can leave the heels under the bed.  I never saw the attraction to girls having sex in heels but that's just me.

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38 minutes ago, cheesehead51 said:

Credo che tra non molto vedremo la mia bella Elvira con Bea. Questo gruppo tutto sembra come figlia / figlia sesso e ci sono ancora abbinamenti monogame e non può mai essere. Li abbiamo visti giocare in combinazioni diverse e non sembra esserci alcuna gelosia a tutti. Essi stanno sperimentando. Mila e Oksi penso che saranno entrambi essere uno strumento per condurli lungo. Solo la mia opinione, ma penso che il meglio deve ancora venire. Hmmm nome accattivante per una canzone. 

BTW per i miei soldi possono lasciare i talloni sotto il letto. Non ho mai visto l'attrazione per le ragazze che hanno sesso con i tacchi, ma che sono solo io.


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