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Red & Herman & Romina (2019) Part #1

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9 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Come on Sparkles! Do you say that Bart and Leonie are doing extra shifts at DD? Or that Minnie is doing extra shifts at Aaron's place. They are all doing shifts on VHTV. It's called living on cam and having a lot of sex to make that app thing twitch. Why do you single out the ones that you don't like as sex workers and the ones you do like as real life? Let's be clear, everyone on this site is a sex worker. They are all doing shifts for pay. It's a 24/7 job.

Ok.. Feel free to think as you want 😉 It's a free forum
And when you can take something as not a personal attack (you only use that names to "attack" me lol) to what you now like probably you will see the differences on the examples that you give.. Be smarter.. Till that point it's useless 

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Just now, Amy3 said:

I'm not personally attacking you. You made a comment that Sina's friends are in another apt doing sex work. I just want to know what makes what they do any different then what the ones you don't say such things do?  Boy there is a mumble of words, but you know what I'm saying.

If you weren't, you hadn't be so specific in the names you used and if was in another apartment that didn't involve that ones you wouldn't even care to answer. I totally know what you are saying and why.. It's you that don't know what i'm saying when you answer like that comparing the incomparable. But again.. you are free to have your opinion from what you observe.. I have mine from what i observe. 

Cool with that 😉 

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I totally know that.. And that's why your answer doesn't make any sense. I'm not being cryptic, you was the one that interpreted my words as it was convenient to "attack" me with that names
When you get the point why i specifically said what i said with this visit and why i said why you compare what to me is incomparable, i guess it's when you will understand what i said 😉.
But don't mix my words and put others that i didn't said 🕵️‍♂️

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19 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

The only reason I brought up the other is that I can't think of a time when you used the term "shifts" to refer to the others that way. Excuse my ignorance then, what exactly do you mean when you say, "extra-shifts"? Perhaps it's just another misinterpretation, like the term "flu" was. I always took such comments to mean that they were being paid and directed by the manager to go and have sex with someone, as in pure sex work. If that's not what you mean, then please tell me cause that's what I hear when you say that term.

Shift means job/presence/visit.. She could be here sent by someone and there isn't money involved.. You usually knew all that ... And how can i talk about money if i don't see money. but isn't curious the type of visit to you? How many times did they interact in the past since she appeared? how many visits these tenants have changed in the last weeks?? and now, bulls-eye.. but i know i know.. she's an old friend.. that or another "flu" will easily cover the situation 😉 I totally see why you don't want to see the difference. Now probably you can read my previous messages with "other eyes" 

And now even if you want to use your definition...probably you can tell me when did Minnie visited another house to have sex with someone? And how many times Leonie&Barney visit alone other houses to have mixed relations? Don't bother to answer 😉

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6 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I see. Swapping for sure no! But, to work and support the team and work doesn't require the actual swap either. I don't buy the cokes and cookies motivation for sex on cam. It's all shift work to me no matter how it comes sliced.

It's your interpretation!! Cool 😉 And now i have to leave this place because already give them too much importance for a whole month 😉 will have to go play now for my favorites to compensate 😎

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