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Eva & Sam General Chat Topic 2019 #2

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10 minutes ago, piedpiper1968 said:

Wow, I am surprised Eva isn't out chasing after Baldy the way she embarrassed herself last night. Like the first time when she pursued him for almost 5 hours last night she pursued this guy for almost 5 hours again. Just kept after him to fuck her. At least 5 times she was crawling all over him. Lost a lot of respect for her.

I've lost considerable interest in this apartment due to the whole Sam fucking a ton of girls and Eva not having fun with guys thing.. but at no point did I ever need to resort to the amount of derogatory comments that you have made recently. We all know Baldy can't get an erection and we know he's not a good performer even when he does get one, but why is all this negativity even necessary. Eva likes him and it was still exciting to see her chase a guy and having at least a little fun with someone other than Sam for a change. Unlike you I actually have a great deal of respect for Eva for not immediately dismissing him. For a woman to be as patient as she was with him shows great character and heart. I understand your frustration of the chance of FINALLY getting to see Eva getting it on with a different guy. I felt the same level of frustration when we watched her with Sasha. But let's not forget what it is that makes her so special and awesome and unique from all the other girls on RLC.

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14 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

I've lost considerable interest in this apartment due to the whole Sam fucking a ton of girls and Eva not having fun with guys thing.. but at no point did I ever need to resort to the amount of derogatory comments that you have made recently. We all know Baldy can't get an erection and we know he's not a good performer even when he does get one, but why is all this negativity even necessary. Eva likes him and it was still exciting to see her chase a guy and having at least a little fun with someone other than Sam for a change. Unlike you I actually have a great deal of respect for Eva for not immediately dismissing him. For a woman to be as patient as she was with him shows great character and heart. I understand your frustration of the chance of FINALLY getting to see Eva getting it on with a different guy. I felt the same level of frustration when we watched her with Sasha. But let's not forget what it is that makes her so special and awesome and unique from all the other girls on RLC.

Oh please there is a point when reality should set in. After 3 hours of nothing I think its time to face facts and he just isn't one to get the job done. And this on top of the last one almost a year ago when she chased him for 5 hours and got almost nothing then. Go fuck the guy in the kitchen. He couldn't do any worse.

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What for all this comments as I say earlier Eva is women with healthy sexual needs she feel free to act the way she act Sam can do nothing about because he owe her for the she giving him the freedom to fuck her girlfriends 

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Le 13/04/2019 à 18:00, HarleyFatboy a dit :

alors que pensez-vous du mariage?

leur futur enfant va se demander qui est leur père dans la partouze....... le grand chauve ou le grand con ?????

their future child will wonder who their father is in the orgy ....... the tall bald or the big idiot ?????

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il y a 52 minutes, piedpiper1968 a dit :

Les deux derniers jours, chaque fois que j'ai écouté Eva et Sam, j'ai vu Eva au lit. Elle devait être fatiguée du marathon qu'elle courait après Baldy. Incompréhensible pour moi.

Baldy est fou amoureux de Éva..il lui parle... l'écoute et est en  admiration devant elle .il est surexcité pour faire l ' amour ce qui lui coupe ses moyens sexuels déjà pas très performants....Sam n'a de l ' attention que quand il n ' a pas une autre fille à baiser ......c ' est le silence avec son travail son ordinateur ou son téléphone 

Baldy is madly in love with Éva .. he speaks to her ... listens and is in awe of her. He is excited to make love what cuts his sexual means already not very effective ... Sam has to the attention that when he does not have another girl to fuck ...... it is the silence with his work his computer or his telephone

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13 minutes ago, moreau said:

Baldy est fou amoureux de Éva..il lui parle... l'écoute et est en  admiration devant elle .il est surexcité pour faire l ' amour ce qui lui coupe ses moyens sexuels déjà pas très performants....Sam n'a de l ' attention que quand il n ' a pas une autre fille à baiser ......c ' est le silence avec son travail son ordinateur ou son téléphone 

Baldy is madly in love with Éva .. he speaks to her ... listens and is in awe of her. He is excited to make love what cuts his sexual means already not very effective ... Sam has to the attention that when he does not have another girl to fuck ...... it is the silence with his work his computer or his telephone

It is very strange to me that Baldy fucked Eva almost a year ago. After reviewing my vides and pictures I see it was on April 28th one year ago. 

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14 hours ago, piedpiper1968 said:

The last two days whenever I have tuned into Eva and Sam I have seen Eva in bed. Must have been tired from the marathon she ran chasing after Baldy.  Incomprehensible to me.

Man seriously I think you need to get a grip. You act like all she ever does is follow him around. Need I remind you that she has had multiple times to have sex with him within the year since they had sex (which only happened that one night), and has never done anything with him? Or the fact that it was him who has always shown interest in Eva and has chased Eva and it was always Eva who shut him down after only a few kisses? This past Saturday was the one day where they decide she wanted to have fun with him and now you act like she's infatuated. Just relax. My guess is they go back to the way things were and everybody will be cool about it.

And BTW, Baldy is visiting again.

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