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Melissa & Sergio, Alexandra & Aaron (2019) Part #2

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10 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Well! That’s not entirely true. They didn’t use a comma, they used an and. Even now. How cruel VHTV, the first couple to make a marriage proposal on VHTV and the site owners don’t even have the common curtesy to effect the proper change to the couples names. Chink!

You think:
Milena&Dilan was a couple?
Lika&Carter was a couple?  
Trixie&Leah was a couple?
Courtney&Heather was a couple?
Pablo&Juliet was a couple?
(I can keep going here, but i think is enough 😄

From the online ones, are Connor&Lavender a couple? 

Using , or & doesn't depends on the weather.. only very very few had " , "

(And according to moos wasn't a marriage proposal, the left hand ring at russia isn't wedding)

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Just now, Amy3 said:

Well, if there is an & between their names then the implication is clearly that they want to be identified as a couple regardless what we think we know.

It's your interpretation, not mine looking at minimum for the examples i put. I'm able to see out of that bubble . My "biggest imagination" doesn't allow me to believe that at least the examples on top was/are a couple no matter what vh decide to put

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Just now, Amy3 said:

May I ask then how do you presume to know that anyone is a “real” couple? Maybe they are all fake couples. Sure, the one who say they are have some weight, but the rest? Is Kissa and Markus a couple? Are you sure?

You totally understood what i said.. but if you want to consider all of them that have a & a couple.. No problem 😉 

Forgot another one... Alan&Serena . What a nice and romantic couple they are 😁

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4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Touché again! Indeed, not a couple, which point me back to the original thought, VHTV needs to get their shit together. Can we agree on that?

It would be better of course, but it's not something that makes much problem after they being observed.
Probably VH always put "&" unless something specific is mentioned. Seems the managers and tenants also don't care with that.

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Just now, Sparkles said:

It would be better of course, but it's not something that makes much problem after they being observed.
Probably VH always put "&" unless something specific is mentioned. Seems the managers and tenants also don't care with that.

I think participants are more in a relationship with money than with a real person 😂

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Just now, Amy3 said:

It’s a point of confusion for the typical viewer, maybe not the experts here, so for that reason, VHTV should fix it when it’s wrong. Simple matter of voyeur site maintenance that is being neglected. 

Seems a tradition in all of these sites 😁

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Alexandra is alone.I don't think she's more watched with only one guy.She has to change her life plans as soon as possible.For example, a party can organize.She can persuade not only one man, but a couple  to MMF or foursome.She can replicate the options.Then Alexandra VH could be better than before.

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