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Eva & Sam General Chat Topic 2019 #3

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il y a 9 minutes, Alladino a dit :

No phone, no distraction, sam tried and got rejected. Again.

It does not look good for them. I'm guessing he's in something of a trial period. I'm curious this can turn out well. 

Around 3am last night, Sam came into the bedroom and Eva signalled him to come to bed.  She was all smiles and gave him a very passionate kiss and cuddle, eventually going topless.  Then she turned her back on him, still with a satisfied smile on her face, and both went to sleep.  I suppose her plan for Sam will reveal itself in time, but it's getting very confusing!  :confused:

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lo fa spesso recentemente, anche oggi verso le, ha permesso a Sam di mettergli una mano dentro i pantaloncini e palpare a lungo il culo, poi anche davanti..

Eva ha controllato se era eccitato ma era mezzo moscio.... e si è alzata. Lei vuole Sam che si ecciti per lei, con lei, non si masturbi con i porno on line....

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01.45  Sam's patience certainly paid off and fuelled by a bottle of wine, Eva gives in and lets Sam fuck her again.  And she enjoys it - "Dah, dah, dah, dah!!!!"  It'll be interesting to see where they go from here.

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il y a 2 minutes, franklin a dit :

01h45 La patience de Sam porte ses fruits et, nourrie par une bouteille de vin, Eva finit par céder et laisse Sam la baiser. Et elle aime ça - "Dah, dah, dah, dah !!!!" Ce sera intéressant de voir où ils vont d'ici.

 "Dah, dah, dah, dah !!!!"

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