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Political Posts of Satire, Jokes & Visual Thoughts #2

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1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:


Just seems quite funny that no one ever speaks up until someone runs for the top office and then someone always comes forwards with allegations. Biden has denied it just like Trump had done.  The only thing with Trump was he paid 2 women off Stormy Daniels $150,000 and Karen McDougall $180,000.  Now if Trump denied such a thing and claim it never happened then why would Trump pay off 2 women to the tune of $330,000 if he never done anything. Paying someone off admits your guilt. On top of that he made them sign Non Disclosure Agreements to prevent them from speaking out but his Non Disclosure Agreements didn't amount to a hill of beans because they spoke out anyways. That's fine because once his Presidency is done the #metoo movement and all the rest of the women he sexually assaulted will be coming for him and he'll soon be bunking with Harvey Weinstein. They can become good Bum Buddies.  Melania will Divorce him and take 1/2 of what he's got.  

185 Days Donald and You're Fired!   :biggrin:

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