FUCK YOU ALL Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said: Blue is what you will be at the end of election night in Nov., 2020. You might even need three Valiums once all the election returns are posted at the end of the night. Okay already with the same "quip" over and over and over. It's like the old fart that only knows one joke and repeats it so many times, people get sick to their stomachs and want to beat the shit out of him..
Ridgerunner Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 3 minutes ago, trump45sucks said: Classy. I expect this reaction from Flor-i-duh, penis of the USA. And you are so "classy", right? 1
FUCK YOU ALL Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 1 hour ago, happyone said: You can say that and StarLight28 can agree with this post, but we only had 2 choices--Hillary or Trump and Trump was the better choice by far- so calling us rabble by making the more intelligent choice is ludicrous. Intelligent? Blaaaaahahahaha. 1
FUCK YOU ALL Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said: And you are so "classy", right? I have more class in my middle finger than you have in your whole broken-down body.
Ridgerunner Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 1 minute ago, trump45sucks said: Okay already with the same "quip" over and over and over. It's like the old fart that only knows one joke and repeats it so many times, people get sick to their stomachs and want to beat the shit out of him.. Only evil sick people like you want to resort to violence to resolve political disputes. So now we see who the real fascist is. 1
FUCK YOU ALL Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said: So says the no skills king of copy/pasting @trump45sucks. I post news stories, asshole. You don't read them because the truth is scary for you.
Ridgerunner Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 4 minutes ago, trump45sucks said: I have more class in my middle finger than you have in your whole broken-down body.
StarLight28 Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Wer also für Trump gestimmt hat, ist "Pöbel"? Wie ich Ihnen bereits sagte, sind Sie ein elitärer Trottel, und mit jedem Kommentar, den Sie posten, enthüllen Sie diese Tatsache. Sind Sie Mitglied einer Adelsfamilie in Deutschland? Es war das sogenannte "Gesindel", das Amerika baute und dieses Land großartig machte. Wann haben Sie sich das letzte Mal die weißen Hände schmutzig gemacht und echte Arbeit geleistet, Mr. Better Than Everyone Elitist German Man of Nobility? Ich hatte versucht Ihnen die Hand zum Frieden zu reichen. Ich habe Sie nie als "Trottel" bezeichnet. Nun erkenne ich es. Sie sind ein Trottel, sogar ein DUMMER Trottel. Es lohnt sich nicht mit Ihnen zu diskutieren. Dumme verstehen nichts. Nein, ich bin nicht adelig - alles - Beruf, Studium Arbeit als Vertriebsingenieur, Haus, Teich mit Fröschen habe ich aus eigener Arbeit selbst hart erarbeitet. Meine Eltern waren arm, im WK 2 als Flüchtlinge vertrieben. Ich habe alles selbst erreicht. Und Sie ?? Dumm herumsitzen und Menschen beleidigen ??? Anderes und sachliche Argumente habe ich von Ihnen hier nicht gelesen. Beweisen Sie das Gegenteil - so lange sind Sie ein kleiner Wurm für mich.
Ridgerunner Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 Just now, StarLight28 said: I tried to shake hands with you for peace. I never called you a "fool". Now I recognize it. You are a fool, even one STUPID fool. It is not worth discussing with you. Stupid don't understand anything. No, I am not noble - everything - profession, studies, work as a sales engineer, house, pond with frogs, I worked hard myself from my own work. My parents were poor, displaced as refugees in WWII. I have achieved everything myself. And you ?? Sitting around and insulting people ??? I did not read any other and factual arguments from you here. Prove otherwise - you've been a little worm to me for so long. Good bye.
FUCK YOU ALL Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said: Only evil sick people like you want to resort to violence to resolve political disputes. So now we see who the real fascist is. Where in that sentence did I say I was resorting to violence? Goddamn you're so fucking stupid. I'm done reacting to you. Ron White was right - Stupid IS permanent.
Ridgerunner Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 2 minutes ago, trump45sucks said: I post news stories, asshole. You don't read them because the truth is scary for you. Truth? Liberal progressive propaganda.
happyone Posted February 7, 2020 Posted February 7, 2020 16 minutes ago, trump45sucks said: So where'd you copy/paste this one from? No way you write anywhere near that skill level. SEEKINGALPHA.COM
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