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Leora - General Chat Topic December 2019 #21


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10 hours ago, lwis said:


Naturally I accept all you say, although sometimes the translator is not wonderful unless of course you speak Russian.

But they make strange bedfellows if they are “ divorced “

Having said that, it does bear out my thoughts of old that he was always reliant on her money.

It also explains why she is no longer wearing her rings. 

But why would she bother with him coming to Prague if she is finished with him?

She has always been complex, but this is a strange arrangement, even by her standards.

The opera continues.

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il y a 2 minutes, jimbo4 a dit :

Bien entendu, je l'accepte tout ce que vous dites, bien que parfois le traducteur n'est pas merveilleux, sauf si vous parlez russe.

Mais ils font d'étranges compagnons de lit si elles sont « divorcées «

Cela dit, il ne porte mes pensées de vieux qu'il était toujours tributaire de son argent.

Elle explique aussi pourquoi elle ne porte plus ses anneaux. 

Mais pourquoi aurait-elle la peine avec lui venir à Prague si elle est fini avec lui?

Elle a toujours été complexe, mais cela est un étrange arrangement, même par ses normes.

L'opéra se poursuit.

le BUZZ et l'alimentation du MYSTERE  demain sera un autre jour qui apportera son lot de vérité

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10 hours ago, lwis said:


Before when I said "I'm not gonna talk shit about him" I first wrote a long thing just about that, but realized I had very little to base it on..

But yeah, He defenitely stopped caring about her a long time ago, and only keeps her for convenience and money, and because he could never get another girlfriend ever since he has zero to offer anybody.

when he "cared" about her he would humiliate her and get violent and be the psychopath that he truly is,

those traits don't leave a person, it's something else that has left.. his "care" for her. can you imagine if you liked someone, that person was fucking Leora and she happened to like you back, is there any chance you would allways look severely depressed, never smile at her, hardly look or talk to her? Just the minimum to be able to still call it a relationship, and a half assed fake smile here and there to keep her around.

Why she is with him is probably because he's her first boyfriend or close to it, and you can get a very strong bond with your first partner, especially if you met young and has been together this long,


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