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Ann, Also Know as Akathome


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Diese Ann ist so interessant wie ein Paar stinkender  Käsefüße. Ich verstehe nicht warum man soviel TamTam um sie mach und sich hier herumstreitet wegen der Person.

I don't agree with you that Ann is that bad, though I have my complaints about the quality of her cam feed...being jerky and all.  But I agree with you that the arguing isn't worth it.

My problem...and it's just me...a part of my character...is that when someone disrespects me or challenges me, I rise to it.  I won't back down.  I'll try to work on that and try to keep these distractions to a minimum as best I can.

And Wibble...I'm with you, dude.  More tits.  I keep hoping we'll get more tits from Ann.

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Diese Ann ist so interessant wie ein Paar stinkender  Käsefüße. Ich verstehe nicht warum man soviel TamTam um sie mach und sich hier herumstreitet wegen der Person.

I don't agree with you that Ann is that bad, though I have my complaints about the quality of her cam feed...being jerky and all.  But I agree with you that the arguing isn't worth it.

My problem...and it's just me...a part of my character...is that when someone disrespects me or challenges me, I rise to it.  I won't back down.  I'll try to work on that and try to keep these distractions to a minimum as best I can.

And Wibble...I'm with you, dude.  More tits.  I keep hoping we'll get more tits from Ann.

well jojo, i for one always seem to agree with you on your comments. you always make more sense than most. And it always an enjoyable read.  Hell, its got to the stage where i would rather read your posts, than actually watch some of the cam's. They have got way to boring.

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Even Ann has commented on how bad the internet service is where she lives. I am a fan of Ann and enjoy watching her. I remember when I first seen her she was very shy about being on cam. Once in great while you could see her change in the reflection off the glass. I have always found her very sexy and intriguing.

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Quanta ipocrisia c'è in giro.

Molta gente vuole vedere Ann  nuda.

Ma poi distruggono Ann  con video in siti pornografici.

Tutto questo sembra chiedere a Ann di mostrarsi nuda per poter avere qualcosa su cui lamentarsi.

Una cosa è certa.

Non avete capito niente. Ma ormai il danno è stato fatto.

Ann non fa più vedere niente di intimo neanche nella webcam elite.

How much hypocrisy there is.

A lot of people want to see naked Ann.

But then destroy Ann, with video, on pornographic websites.

All this seems to ask Ann to show themselves naked in order to have something to complain about.

One thing is certain.

You have not understood anything. But the damage was done.

Ann does not show anything intimate in webcam elite.

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Ann, forse, vorrebbe mostrare il suo corpo.

Ma certamente non lo farà più.

Tu non guardi Ann nella sua cam elite?

Mi sembra di aver letto, che hai questa possibilità.

Io si.

Quindi tu avrai visto che Ann non mostrà più il suo interno cosce.

Ann non si tocca più le tette come faceva qualche tempo fa.

Puoi tu immaginare perchè.

Ann, perhaps, would like to show her body.

But it certainly will not do it anymore.

You do not watch Ann in her cam elite?

I think I read that you have this opportunity.

I yes.

So you will have seen that Ann does not show her inner thighs.

Ann is not touched more boobs as she did some time ago.

Can you imagine because

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Ann, forse, vorrebbe mostrare il suo corpo.

Ma certamente non lo farà più.

Tu non guardi Ann nella sua cam elite?

Mi sembra di aver letto, che hai questa possibilità.

Io si.

Quindi tu avrai visto che Ann non mostrà più il suo interno cosce.

Ann non si tocca più le tette come faceva qualche tempo fa.

Puoi tu immaginare perchè.

Ann, perhaps, would like to show her body.

But it certainly will not do it anymore.

You do not watch Ann in her cam elite?

I think I read that you have this opportunity.

I yes.

So you will have seen that Ann does not show her inner thighs.

Ann is not touched more boobs as she did some time ago.

Can you imagine because

I do not have access to the elite-only cams on ww.com because I am not a paying member.  However, I have access to resources that allow me to see some of the things she does after the fact.  This is a post I made with some pics from Ann's elite-only cam:  http://camcaps.net/ww-com/ww-com-405/msg46578/#msg46578

I've said all along that Ann makes her own choices...as does everyone else.  If she chooses not to spread her legs and rub her pussy as she used to do, that is her choice.  I have nothing against anyone making their own choices.  Heck, I choose not to be on a web cam...so I don't ever go on a web cam.  That's my choice.  I don't blame anyone else, though, and I reject anyone who tries to blame me for the choices that Ann makes.

btw, I am a voyeur.  But I am a voyeur who only sees what an exhibitionist lets me see...even if I wish I could see more.  Ann is an exhibitionist.  She likes to let people see her and she decides what I can see.

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