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B2 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2020 #4 (April)


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5 minutes ago, Kingbanks said:

Olivia probably woke up and stop ulyana and the guest from going further..... so she could 😂😂

Olivia is really the last girl i want see having sex in B2, i would prefer to see Fiora or Ulyana with a guy

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12 minutes ago, moos54 said:

Well I would say that the electrician has surely finished his work and that the inhabitants can return to their occupation, I do not see where there would be a problem there

The show must go on. The whole thing is the same as always in this apartment.

No idea what RLC had originally planned, but probably the Event with Ulyana was only possible because she thought the cameras would be off. Probably the only real Thing that happend in this apartment for half an eternity. 




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Remember the fiasco at new years eve 2 years ago, they promissed to fix the electricity problem, or else they would find us a new, more suitable apartment. Nothing happened! Since then we have had blackouts almost every time someone has a party in there. It's rediculous! I guess it happened this time because they leave the balcony doors open, and heaters on full blast, but the point is that this happens way too often, and it takes almost nothing to trigger an outage. Maybe the courses are too small! But I don't really care what it is. No ordinary house have as many blackouts a week as this place! It's frquent, reaccurring and ongoing issue that should've been fixed years ago. Instead we again miss a great party due to powerloss! For me, this was a great party. They were having a guest, just drinking, chatting and having fun. No show. I enjoy that alot! Let us hope they will finally fix what they should've done years ago. But I kind of doubt it.


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