corboblanc Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 3 dangers of democracy: Zionism, Islamic totalitarianism and extreme left!! true freedom is "démocrature" (untranslatable Joint democracy and dictatorship)
van the man Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 Benevolent Dictatorship is often thought of as the perfect government, however how many Dictators remain Benevolent once they gain power!!! The best we can hope for is a messy, weak, disorganised Democracy. Democracy that will not tolerate extremists. The 'right' to be extreme should not be tolerated!!!
Guest Squirrel Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 Democracies are just as prone to tyrannical behaviour as a dictatorship. Let us not forget that it was a democracy that voted the wildly popular Hitler into power and installed a insufferable socialist system. I'd prefer a government limited by a law, not a human, and whose mandate was to respect the sovereignty of each citizen by promoting the liberty of the individual to the maximum extent possible. I still remember when the US was a constitutional republic. But then again, I'm old school.
TBG 150 Posted February 15, 2014 Posted February 15, 2014 Mind if I muddy up your thread with a few jokes? Too bad. I will anyway. ;) A man was telling his buddy "You won't believe what happened last night. My daughter walked into the living room and said, "Dad, cancel my allowance immediately, forget my college tuition loan, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out the window, take my TV and my laptop. Please take any of my jewelry to the Salvation Army, sell my car and cancel the insurance, take away my front door key and throw me out of the house. Then, disown me and never talk to me again. Don't forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to any charity you choose." "Holy Smokes!" replied the friend, "she actually said that?" "Well, she didn't put it quite like that. She actually said, 'Dad, meet my new boyfriend - - Mohammed. We're going to work together on Hillary's election campaign!' " Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off when he looked in the mirror and noticed that he was white from the neck to the top of his head. In a sheer panic and fearing he was turning white all over, he called his doctor and told him what had happened. The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to Barack, and told him to drink it all. Barack drank the concoction and said, "That tasted like bullshit!" "It was." the doctor replied, "You were a quart low."
Guest Squirrel Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 Judging from the color of the 'fro, I'd say that's the Irish blood showing through on this particular Half-frican American. I'd prefer a real black man, of course, like Professor Walter E. Williams. He knows what economics is about. But alas, Americans are racists and vote for Marxists instead of qualified men of color...
Guest ww_watcher Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 I believe he may be the half brother of this guy.
Guest Squirrel Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 I believe he may be the half brother of this guy. Fortunately, the brother pictured is more fortunate and has made his way in the world, and does not live in a shack in Africa.
Guest Squirrel Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 OK, kids, so I see this image on Yahoo! News, and immediately assume it's a shot from the new season of "Game of Thrones." But no, it's Ukraine. Anybody got any ideas WTF is going on over there? I don't trust my nation's media reports anymore. It certainly must affect Kiko & Nora & probably Vika, so it's relevant to RLC...
TBG 150 Posted February 19, 2014 Posted February 19, 2014 It's what's going to happen here when Americans finally wake up to Communism within our borders. No. I don't know any more than you do about the truth in the picture. Only what we are fed.
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