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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #59 2020 July


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19 minutes ago, Newark52 said:

Cela en valait la peine, mais certains ne comprendraient tout simplement pas, car ils ont du mal à comprendre "La vraie vie"

"La vrai vie" c'est de gagner de l'argent avec son cul ?

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6 minutes ago, King Lear said:

"La vrai vie" c'est de gagner de l'argent avec son cul ?

L'argent ne sort pas de mon cul et je n'ai pas besoin que tu me dises quoi faire de mon argent.

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2 minutes ago, Newark52 said:


L'argent ne sort pas de mon cul et je n'ai pas besoin que tu me dises quoi faire de mon argent.

Je pense que tu n'as pas compris à qui je faisais allusion, cela n 'étais pas personnellement contre toi

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10 minutes ago, King Lear said:

Je pense que tu n'as pas compris à qui je faisais allusion, cela n 'étais pas personnellement contre toi

Si c'est une sorte d'excuses j'excepte ça, maintenant je sais que ce n'est pas personnel

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1 hour ago, Xarvaz said:

could just be the phone use, long nights and she goes to bed with that thing in her hand and interrupts her sleep continuously by looking at it or calling, I've also noticed before that both girls eat very unhealthy food, even a young body cannot withstand that for long

Non è tanto cosa mangiano (più o meno sempre roba con vedure tipo zuppe o altro) ma a che ora mangiano. Mangiano in orari irregolari. C'è da dire che almeno Malia quando decide di dormire dorme. Leora invece è quasi a livelli patologici. Io sono un coetaneo a Leora (da quanto ho capito ci dividono giusto 1 o 2 anni) e di giovani col telefono ne ho visti tanti ma nessuno usa così tanto il telefono quanto lei la notte o mentre dorme. Non so neanche come faccia ad alzarsi come se niente fosse.

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2 hours ago, Brokk! said :

It's not so much what they eat (more or less always stuff with soup or something like that) but at what time they eat. They eat at irregular times. It must be said that at least Malia sleeps when she decides to sleep. Leora, on the other hand, is almost at pathological levels. I am a peer in Leora (from what I understand they divide us just 1 or 2 years) and I have seen many young people on the phone but nobody uses the phone as much as she does at night or while she sleeps. I don't even know how he gets up as if nothing had happened.

The whole 'eat at set times' and get [insert time] amount of sleep only applies to kids in school, babies and old people, most people I know including me grew up eating at ridiculous times and reverse sleeping 2-3 times a week sometimes pulling all nighters, 16-35 year olds are in their prime and are used to living in these conditions.

The phone is an issue though. A lot of young women are nosey bastards and cant keep off the social media to see what everyone's doing, I've been stuck behind enough of them on the road weaving side to side while they try to text, the good looking ones get away with it as well as the male police wont give fit birds grief. Leora is unfortunately one of these.

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