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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #65 August 2020


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1 hour ago, marco6742 said:

I wouldn't call RLC a porn site, I mean, if you want something to watch while you 'knock one out' then you wouldn't log into RLC and wait for a bit of fapping or whatever, as you'd most likely be waiting a long time.

Porn is porn, just sex with actors, RLC is more like 'big brother' without the restrictions, the people in it are not obliged to do anything sexual in front of cam but since these people are the type that don't mind people watching, then you get the fapping/sex on cam as it's part of what a hell of a lot of singles/couples do in a normal situation.

The girls at Barca are a bit more risky but I've seen what girls get up to on holiday and wouldn't be at all surprised if most chicks do that stuff behind closed doors on holiday all the time.

     Some good points made marco. Of course there are those who have tunnel vision or narrow mindedness enough on certain matters in life, and evidently one being as to what actually is, or should be considered to be, as to whether or not any certain individuals should be considered porn actors or actresses simply because of there being ways at times to observe when some of those individuals may be involved in sexual situations or activities. Which the same individuals also consider that a voyeur site such as rlc should be considered a porn site as well because of the same. It would be fair to believe that some of the same individuals who believe those things, also probably believe that movies rated PG should actually be rated R, and that movies rated R should actually be rated X, and that movies rated only X should really be rated XX or XXX.  

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1 hour ago, gomer said:

Yes, Nick, it's a porn site.

RLC knows it.  The girls know it.

Most of the lecherous old creeps who frequent it know it.

The rest are in denial to preserve their facade of dignity.

This debate has been running for many years!! As a porn site it must rank as the worst ever!!!! I know of no other porn site where you have to wait hours and hours or even days or weeks in the hope that you might see sex!!!!!!!

RLC is a voyeur site that lets subscribers see into peoples apartments and their lives without breaking the law and being arrested as a 'peeping tom!!'

I have many  frustrations with RLC and personally miss the Russia based apartments greatly. Eva being my personal favourite. Leora is the last resident to make me stick around (despite her 'outside' distractions!)

Name calling the residents and declaring them 'whores' is not something I want to see on CC but I accept peoples right to free expression (as long as those comments are not deliberately made to cause hurt or offense.  

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