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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #65 August 2020


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2 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

by "those", i guess one of those is me?  the only difference between RLC and porn movies is that in porn movies there is a roving camera man/woman making sure you get to see all the best angles.  RLC is static porn where the participants can choose to show you the best possible angles or not.  In either case, it's still porn and i'm sorry you think that people like myself and apparently others that don't agree with you, are narrow minded with tunnel vision.  Sexual acts broadcast to millions of people are porn whether you agree with me or not!  

    Well HF, I do happen to not agree with you or any others who may have such opinions. Porn is porn, that being people who choose to make films while having sex to get paid for it. Exhibitionists who choose to live their lives the way they choose to is not the same, even if any of it involves them having sex while being observed by others considered voyeurs. That actually occurs in life at adult or couples only resorts where nobody is ever under any lense of any camera. So it's not the same, but for those of you who choose to believe so, that is certainly you all's prerogatives and opinions. But for those of you all with such opinions, you probably would consider that as being porn also even though in reality, it most definitely is not. 

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1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

    Well HF, I do happen to not agree with you or any others who may have such opinions. Porn is porn, that being people who choose to make films while having sex to get paid for it. Exhibitionists who choose to live their lives the way they choose to is not the same, even if any of it involves them having sex while being observed by others considered voyeurs. It's not the same, but for those of you who choose to believe so, that is certainly you all's prerogatives and opinions. 

What is the difference?  Are you not paying to see it when it happens?  Are you not one of the one's that films (records) everything they like to watch on RLC?  I know you are not a narrow minded person Nick or at least I think you're not but maybe you are.  Let's just leave it at what you want to believe is fine and what I and others want to believe is fine.  Have a good night Nick!

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6 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

What is the difference?  Are you not paying to see it when it happens?  Are you not one of the one's that films (records) everything they like to watch on RLC?  I know you are not a narrow minded person Nick or at least I think you're not but maybe you are.  Let's just leave it at what you want to believe is fine and what I and others want to believe is fine.  Have a good night Nick!

   I edited my post and added a few comments like some of the same situations occur at adult themed and couples only resorts that occur not under any lense of any camera, but to those of you with such opinions, you all probably consider that to be porn also, but not before you responded but it doesn't really matter. 

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So VHTV and RLC are both sites that purport to show real lives of people on camera in the pursuit of "voyeurism" with nothing staged or scripted. Both show very similar content and there has been participants who have appeared on both sites. If these sites are not porn sites then ask yourself "Would I sit and watch these sites with my family, kids and grandkids?" I know what my answer would be!

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25 minutes ago, jjkopite said:

So VHTV and RLC are both sites that purport to show real lives of people on camera in the pursuit of "voyeurism" with nothing staged or scripted. Both show very similar content and there has been participants who have appeared on both sites. If these sites are not porn sites then ask yourself "Would I sit and watch these sites with my family, kids and grandkids?" I know what my answer would be!

    Well of course not. Ask yourself this as well, "Would I try to take my family with me, be it kids, grandkids, etc. to an adult themed or couples only resort if there were any way I could, where whatever occurs is not under any lenses of any cams" ? Wait a minute, I already know the answer to that one. It would be a definite NO. But apparently, those types of situations and people involved in such would be considered porn and porn actors or actresses as well by those who believe that voyeur sites and participants should be considered as such.

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Exhibitionism is a form of pornography which RLC is. Voyeurism is us, those who choose to watch.

Porn actor/actress is someone who has a script written for them. RLC tennants do not meet this criteria.

So yes RLC is a site to see a form of porn known as exhibitionism.

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good night beautiful girls so cute so good and handsome

Leora and Malia and sexy girl


good evening 

Good Morning  

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until tomorrow friends 

See you soon 



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