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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #69 August 2020


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1 hour ago, esanders9863 said:

In love or not, you still have to maintain a good balance between your personal life, and your professional life, because maintaining happy customers in your professional life, is just as important, in maintaining and pursuing happiness in your personal life

    You certainly have seemed to somewhat open up a little more here lately and have seemed to be speaking more of your mind and opinion there e, of which I happen to agree with you here again as well.

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1 hour ago, wooders78 said:

empty living room 3rd in the thumbnails, can lots of people see something i cant

    Other than those who are likely dedicated fans and admirers that have been for quite some time and will continue to be no matter what may or may not ever occur there, it's a very good possibility that there are more of those who have been more or Iess completely fascinated enough so by what they have either known that may have occurred there in the past, or have found out about elsewhere and have become fascinated or enchanted enough so in believing enough that something else similar may eventually occur there again that once may have occurred, and that likely continue a continuous live stream in hopes of such, that contributes to the popularity of them and that apartment which in turn they get the benefits of.  

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   I certainly do agree with mc56's last post and comment. It has certainly always been good to notice that either of the two young women return back to the apartment safely when they have been away. Especially in these days and times of some of the things that now sometimes occur all over the world.

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    Well holy toledo, that is somewhat surprising and unexpected ! If I recall correctly, there have been some times when she has waited until Saturday to begin her weekend time away anyway. The most recent of which was the weekend before last if I am not mistaken.

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5 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    I never called or referred to anyone as being a troll just for stating comments that should not be considered to be factually false or derogatory, disparaging, or insulting in context or nature.

hehehe Saint Nick (joking hoping I don't get in trouble for it)

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