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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 2

pulo filipe

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     It would certainly not be any bad idea for Leora or Malia to try to remember not to fall asleep with their cell phones connected to a charger while laying on a bed, or to fall asleep with their cell phones within a close proximity of their heads. I've noticed recently that both have at times been sleeping with their cell phones within a 3 feet or 1 meter distance from their heads. Just the other night, it was noticed that Leora slept with her phone at around 2 feet or less from her head most of the time while she slept. Cell phones connected to chargers heat up and have been known to cause fires while in contact with items of more combustability, and cell phones are constantly emitting emf signals while being in constant states of service search while sending or receiving signals, which creates electronic magnetic fields that are not good for anyones brains to be constantly exposed to as far as having long term overall effects on someones health and better well being. 

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3 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     Het zou zeker geen slecht idee zijn voor Leora of Malia om te onthouden dat ze niet in slaap zouden vallen met hun mobiele telefoons aangesloten op een oplader terwijl ze op een bed liggen, of om in slaap te vallen met hun mobiele telefoons dicht bij hun hoofd. Ik heb onlangs gemerkt dat beide soms sliepen met hun mobiele telefoons binnen een afstand van 3 voet of 1 meter van hun hoofd. Onlangs werd opgemerkt dat Leora het grootste deel van de tijd met haar telefoon sliep terwijl ze sliep op ongeveer 60 cm of minder van haar hoofd. Mobiele telefoons die op opladers zijn aangesloten, worden heet en staan erom bekend brand te veroorzaken wanneer ze in contact komen met voorwerpen die meer brandbaar zijn, en mobiele telefoons zenden constant emf-signalen uit terwijl ze in een constante staat van service zoeken terwijl ze signalen verzenden of ontvangen, 

Leora gisteren in bad met lader aangesloten, zo slim is dit nu ook weer niet.

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22 minutes ago, pulo filipe said:

Two beautiful girls

Leora and Malia 


Protect yourself 😷😷

Great afternoon


     Yes I noticed that. Leora certainly seemed to change attire fairly quickly after her friend Malia arrived so they could apparently both leave together. After mostly staying at the apartment other than some short times away during the daytimes, but in particularly not much of being out and away overnight, while having the symptoms of a bad cold for around 2 1/2 weeks, she certainly has seemed anxious since then to get back out whenever any reason has presented itself, although I can't say that I blame her.

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