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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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5 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

But it's ok to put immigrant children, violently separated from their parents, in concentration camps.  You think shit up in your mind that isn't even a thing.  

Go back and see what Golfer posted. And it was the Obama Administration that put children in cages and separated them from their parents.

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41 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, just telling you what will happen to anyone that tries to put me in a liberal progressive reeducation camp if Democrats win control of our government. It was you who made the suggestion that I should be put there with President Trump.

it is making a terroristic threat. but if you want to act like it isn't then try saying it face to face to a live person and see what happens.but you will be comfy cozy in dear leader's ass 1 way or another.

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29 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

So why won't Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tell the American people whether or not they  plan to expand the size of the Supreme Court if the Democrats take control of the House, Senate, and Presidency? Why won't they tell the American people that the Democrats plan to eliminate the electoral college? Why won't they tell the American people that Democrats intend to enact the New Green Deal? Why won't Democrats tell Americans that they intend to grant amnesty to all illegal aliens and tear down the wall on our southern border? Why won't they tell the American people that they intend to raise taxes on middle class Americans? Why won't they tell Americans that Democrats plan to eliminate private health insurance and impose a government run healthcare system? Why won't Democrats tell the American people that they will make Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico the 51st and 52nd states of the United States?

because that hasn't happened yet & maybe they want to think about it & see what the people want rather than blurting out stupid nonsense that they would have to retract at a future time. dopey hid the truth & watched people die while doing nothing.

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18 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

 Who told the American people, "If you like your health insurance you can keep your health insurance, and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." ?

which happened by the way. but in case you haven't noticed there is 1 thing worse than having a different doctor. that is having no doctor.

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Just now, golfer06 said:

it is making a terroristic threat. but if you want to act like it isn't then try saying it face to face to a live person and see what happens.but you will be comfy cozy in dear leader's ass 1 way or another.

Typical way that dishonest liberal progressives like you lie and distort things. I express that I will defend myself if a radical Democrat government attempts to put me into  a reeducation camp and you call that a terrorist threat?  

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

which happened by the way. but in case you haven't noticed there is 1 thing worse than having a different doctor. that is having no doctor.

Show me one case in this country where one American citizen or non citizen has been denied access to a doctor.

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Typical way that dishonest liberal progressives like you lie and distort things. I express that I will defend myself if a radical Democrat government attempts to put me into  a reeducation camp and you call that a terrorist threat?  


Reeducation camp?!? How do you come up with such nonsense?



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2 hours ago, happyone said:


It was already posted --see above--but evidently you do not read or just ignore facts that do not fit your agenda.  

interesting. i noticed this while reading it. -In his initial disclosure last week, Ratcliffe said the claim against Clinton was unproven and could be an “exaggeration or fabrication.”- i would suggest that maybe the notes should be redacted. then as soon as dildohead starts to cooperate with congress about his taxes & some of the other probes that he has refused to cooperate with we could all find out some things about everyone! i wonder what is being blocked?


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11 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Typical way that dishonest liberal progressives like you lie and distort things. I express that I will defend myself if a radical Democrat government attempts to put me into  a reeducation camp and you call that a terrorist threat?  

what part did you miss? try reading something once in a while. i had a feud with a neighbor years ago & the neighbor was charged with making terroristic threats. i didn't know that would be the charge until the d a said that it was. so keep it up. try it on 1 of your liberal, progressive, lying neighbors & let me know how it works out. but you should save your 1st phone call for your attorney.

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12 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Show me one case in this country where one American citizen or non citizen has been denied access to a doctor.

of course you can go to the emergency room. but if you aren't insured the taxpayers pick up the tab.

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11 minutes ago, Alladino said:


Reeducation camp?!? How do you come up with such nonsense?



i'd call it the need to be deprogrammed which is how cult members are brought back to reality. but it might already be too late for ridgehappystarsquirrelnickolas

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