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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

We know Trump is being investigated so it will be interesting too see what happens to him after his Presidency is over which should be coming very soon.  There won't be any Pardoning for him  :biggrin:

Yeah, investigated by a Democrat hack New York AG.

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2 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     Once upon a time, like my father before me, I used to claim to support the democratic cause and voted democrat when I voted. Now, and actually for quite awhile now, I've become not only thoroughly disappointed, but ashamed as well to ever admit to having done so, because of what so many others who claim to be on that side of the aisle, have done in their endeavors to transform and change other's views or thoughts or ideologies to that of being less sensible, rational, or reasonable, to that of being more unsensible, irrational, unreasonable, and ridiculously radical on a majority of various views and issues of subject matters concerning peoples lives and ways of living. Not to mention, but also the amount of crookedness and corruption that has seemed to not only develop and form more, but also that has increased even more so on that side of the aisle compared to the other alternatives of political affiliation. I know if my dear father was able to be around longer than he was, he would have been thoroughly disappointed of such a transformation awhile ago to a point of considering his continued support otherwise himself as well. 

I and my family the same way, because as working class people it was driven into our heads that Democrats were for working people and Republicans were just for the rich. I even voted for Jimmy Carter because he was a peanut farmer who was not a part of the Washington D.C.  Was that ever a mistake. Until Barack Obama Jimmy Carter was the worst president in the history of the country.  thank God I can now see the Democrats for who they really are. I will never ever vote for another Democrat nor another Washington D.C. establishment swamp dwelling Republican.

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Really nothing much has changed about Democrats since the Civil War except for the method in which they suppress Black people and make them dependent upon their master.  Previous to the Civil War the Democrat Plantation master provided food, clothing , and shelter to his Black slaves, but made sure that they never became educated because it was much easier to control them if they were uneducated. Today the Democratic Party masters provide food, shelter, and clothing to inner city Blacks through welfare programs and make sure they never become educated by sending them to inner city government schools which teach them nothing ( Why do you think Democrats are against school choice for inner city students?). Keeping them uneducated makes it much easier to keep them on the Democratic plantation. And then the Democrat masters allow some Uncle Toms like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson a place of prominence in the party just to fool the Black community into thinking that Democrats actually care about them.

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10 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, I learned that from past elections. Some of those elections probably took place before you were born. Like the 1960 election where Democrat Governor Daley of Chicago and the Chicago political machine came up with enough bogus votes to elect John F. Kennedy president.

ignrant as usual. i wouldn't expect anything less.

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11 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

No one would believe you because they know that someone who still lives with mommy and daddy and has never worked a day in his life owns nothing. Correction, you probably do own a set of golf clubs that mommy and daddy bought for you.:tongue: 

now i remember where we met. kindergarten. you were the kid in the corner with the dunce hat when i picked up my grandson.

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6 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     There is corruption and crookedness that ends up eventually being revealed about alot more on the left than there are the right, not to mention, but, there are also alot more who are eventually outed and are not investigated thoroughly enough, if at all, and is basically swept under the carpet and covered up for many more on the left then there ever are on the right as well. Not hard to do when over 95% of a country's so called news media outlets are no more than a political extension of one side of the aisle, many of which who are corrupt enough themselves to be continuously dishonest in the information they put out and spread, and it's not a secret who they are being that way for.

dear leader doesn't need any news sources to spout lies as his ass (or mouth as they are the same) lies all of the time about everything.

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5 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     With all of Hiden Bidens corruption and crookedness that has enriched his family after 47 years of doing virtually nothing meaningful for the people of the country, rather than him being nominated as a puppet candidate for office of the presidency, his foreign dealings along with his son's foreign dealings, should have been really and seriously been being investigated for fraud and money laundering quite awhile ago. Not to mention, but, he was actually on video committing an actual quid-pro-quo by threatening to withhold a billion dollar security aid package to the country of Ukraine unless they done something that he wanted them to do, which was funded by US taxpayers and allocated by the US congress. Something the crooked left tried to accuse Trump of but without any genuine or real evidence. But that's part of the corrupt left's playbook,always try to accuse someone else of what you yourself are doing or have done. Hiden Biden's actual and real and genuine quid-pro-quo should have been enough alone to have made him an ineligible candidate for any other public office, let alone should have been seriously and honestly and thoroughly investigated for corruption and violation of federal laws. The country's founders did not intend for people to make careers as public office holders.There should have been term limits put in place long ago on all public offices just like there is the presidency in the US. The Biden family members certainly did not accrue the kind of wealth they have during Biden's 47 years of public office for nothing, most of which was accrued during only eight years while he was the vp of the country, rather than while he was a senator who's only successful endeavor was in authoring a crime bill in 1994 that turned out to be a detriment to many African Americans.   

are you actually trump taking a break from twitter? or has he simply taught you to project his action to others? it's not working.

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4 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     Once upon a time, like my father before me, I used to claim to support the democratic cause and voted democrat when I voted. Now, and actually for quite awhile now, I've become not only thoroughly disappointed, but ashamed as well to ever admit to having done so, because of what so many others who claim to be on that side of the aisle, have done in their endeavors to transform and change other's views or thoughts or ideologies to that of being less sensible, rational, or reasonable, to that of being more unsensible, irrational, unreasonable, and ridiculously radical on a majority of various views and issues of subject matters concerning peoples lives and ways of living. Not to mention, but also the amount of crookedness and corruption that has seemed to not only develop more, but also that has increased even more so on that side of the aisle compared to the other alternatives of political affiliation. I know if my dear father was able to be around longer than he was, he would have been thoroughly disappointed of such a transformation awhile ago to a point of considering his continued support otherwise himself as well. 

the projecting still isn't working.

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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

dear leader doesn't need any news sources to spout lies as his ass (or mouth as they are the same) lies all of the time about everything.

      Obviously you expect others to believe that the corrupt Biden never lies when the fact is that he's been lying and contradicting himself over and over since he first got involved in politics over 47 years ago. Much of which has been proven by way of actual video evidence as well. Just as a real and actual genuine case of quid-pro-quo was actually commited by him in Ukraine that involves actual proven video evidence of someone actually commiting a quid-pro-quo and it just so happened to be while he was vp. How convenient it was that they tried to accuse the president of doing the very same thing that Biden actually did over nothing more than a phone call that involved no video evidence whatsoever, and the transcripts of the statements made during the call included nothing mentioned whatsoever by the president threatening to withhold anything allocated by congress for anything in return. But Biden was actually caught on video saying the exact words of threatening to withhold a billion dollars of what was U.S. taxpayer funded security aid allocated by congress for the Ukraine unless he got something in return. He's been a snake in the grass his whole career while being a public office holder. Like I mentioned earlier, it's in the playbook of those of the crooked and corrupt left to always try to accuse someone else of what they, themselves are actually doing, or have already done, especially if it involves anything unethical or illegal.   

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Does he get a trial where all the facts are presented before they send him to prison? Or is that no longer a part of our justice system?

With Fred Flintstone-Barr in charge, it's a coin flip.

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