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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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14 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If Trump should be arrested for this, then Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should be arrested for the attempted assassination of two police officers in Los Angeles since both Joe and Kamala have spent the whole year condemning American police officers.

the violence that they condemned unlike dear leader? 

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Trump's WAR on reality

● has endorsed and encouraged Q Anon spreading false, baseless and vicious lies of democrat child stealing/selling, Biden blood rituals and conspiracies that the rightwing is STUPID enough to believe
 once they started fact checking him, he ordered Facebook, Google and Twitter investigated
 keeps screaming "ANTIFA!!! & OBAMAGATE" but conveniently never says exactly what that is???
 Denied he told Fox News on camera he wants to sidestep term limits–stay in office
 he said they endorsed his wall–4 presidents called him a liar
 promised middleclass tax cut–canceled it
 Lie–Obama paid Iran billions–money was theirs in the first place seized by Bush & Clinton
 his campaign is suing CNN for reporting that Biden is ahead in the polls?
 Ordered Federal agencies and public schools to cut ties with NYT & WaPo or lose funding
 praised body slamming reporters
 Defended Putin's killing of journalists
 said it's safe to drop nuclear bomb into a hurricane
 retweeted fake vid of Pelosi drunk/Muslim
 he "says" he takes hydroxychloroquine because the narcissist refuses to admit he was wrong - not caring it could cause serious health problems to his followers
 financed birther movement–lied Hillary’s idea
 Killary & Obama death squads
 LGBT rights are safer with him
 he claims no one has done more for the black community than he has?
 "The Bowling Green Massacre?"
 saved Midwest corn–soybeans, coal, GM Lordstown plant, Carrier jobs, Harley–Davidson
 fictional/photoshopped "record" inauguration crowd–3 mil voted illegally
 bragged doctors left surgeries to greet him while visiting mass shooting victims
 Calif wildfires their fault because they “didn’t rake between their trees”

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