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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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     Well well, how about that. The corrupt and crooked snake in the grass hiden biden been lying about his involvement in the corrupt and shady foreign business dealings of his son for the last 2 to 3 years, but now his ignorant son forgot about leaving a laptop at a pc repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware that was full of emails that completely contradicts his crooked dishonest fathers lies, and there is more and more of them that will soon be released that will as well, and that will reveal more of both of their corrupt and crooked ways. To be honest, it's likely that his son didn't just forget about leaving the laptop at the repair shop, but that his arrogance of thinking, 'it's only a laptop, something now considered pennies or less to me', but his arrogance in combination with his ignorance is likely why he forgot about leaving a laptop full of his emails implicating not only himself, but his crooked father as well. It's no wonder that he is now being referred to by many as lying hiden biden as well. He was not only involved, he also benefited from the deals himself by way of being a recipient of receiving millions of dollars from the deals himself. It's really not surprising though since he's been lying all of his life and especially during his 47 years as a corrupt, crooked, and dishonest political establishment swamp rat career politician, and even more especially during his 8 years as obummers corrupt ass kissing vp. Guess the old sayings 'like father like son' or 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree' definitely applies to them, being that it is evident that they are both two crooked dishonest snakes in the grass.

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12 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     Well well, how about that. The corrupt and crooked snake in the grass hiden biden been lying about his involvement in the corrupt and shady foreign business dealings of his son for the last 2 to 3 years, but now his ignorant son forgot about leaving a laptop at a pc repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware that was full of emails that completely contradicts his crooked dishonest fathers lies, and there is more and more of them that will soon be released. It's no wonder that he is now being referred to by many as lying hiden biden as well. He was not only involved, he also benefited from the deals himself by way of being a recipient of receiving millions of dollars from the deals himself. It's really not surprising though since he's been lying all of his life and especially during his 47 years as a corrupt, crooked, and dishonest political establishment swamp rat career politician, and even more especially during his 8 years as obummers corrupt ass kissing vp. Guess the old sayings 'like father like son' or 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree' definitely applies to them, being that it is evident that they are both two crooked dishonest snakes in the grass.

it's nice to hear that your children are perfect. also that you & all of your friends & family would upon getting a new job immediately give back any pay above minimum wage. but watch out when your glass house is shattered.  


With President Donald Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in countless polls and the election less than three weeks away, Republicans are hoping for some type of "October surprise" that will...


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Several of President Donald Trump's re-election campaign advisors are reportedly bracing for the possibility of an election loss to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, according to a new report. As the...


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23 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

it's nice to hear that your children are perfect. also that you & all of your friends & family would upon getting a new job immediately give back any pay above minimum wage. but watch out when your glass house is shattered. 

With President Donald Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in countless polls and the election less than three weeks away, Republicans are hoping for some type of "October surprise" that will...

        To be honest, I don't know for sure which one of them will win the election. No one really does yet at this point, even though there are many on both sides of the aisle that insinuate that they may, when many of the insinuations are really no more than wishes or hopes. 2016 as well as some other times previously, showed that polling is not always so reliable, and even that the credibility of some polling organizations can be called into question and probably should have already been being done so years ago. Both my son and my daughter have honest professional careers. One served 8 years in the military and was discharged honorably when he decided to change direction in his life. My daughter is a dental professional. Neither are corrupt or crooked in any way nor have they ever been.   

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Lackeys from the Trump administration aren't one teensy bit concerned about the mess they'll leave behind should their impeached president lose reelection in just under 20 days. Oh no, the fact that they're all on...


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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

        To be honest, I don't know for sure which one of them will win the election. No one really does yet at this point even there are many on both sides of the aisle that insinuate that they may when many of the insinuations are really no more than wishes or hopes. 2016 as well as some other times previously, showed that polling is not always so reliable and even that the credibility of some polling organizations can be called into question and probably should have already being done so years ago. Both my son and my daughter have honest professional careers. One served 8 years in the military and was discharged honorably when he decided to change direction in his life. My daughter is a dental proffesional. Neither are corrupt or crooked in any way nor have they ever been.   

glad to hear that. what i get tired of reading here is the constant criticism of biden when trump is the biggest liar & most incompetent person ever to be president. biden has his faults like any of us & politicians in general are very poor at their jobs which happens to be serving the citizens. but trump is a complete disaster & i'd really like to see criticisms based on facts rather than the usual label of "socialist, will raise taxes, radical left wing, unamerican, blah blah blah that all dems are called. right now with the pandemic & economic problems we really need to work together a bit more & leave the divider in chief to plan his defense of the criminal charges that will face him as soon as he is defeated.

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