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Moving out?

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two years in this appart!! fuck,it's too long,we need more turn over with the couples on rlc for more atractivity

for members renew suscription.

Technically, Max/Lora and Nora/Kiko have been there longer. But I do agree, these couples have all been there way too long.

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I don't think anyone is moving.

There just isn't enough stuff being packed up.  The kitchen still has all the stuff on the counter.  The living room still has all the stuff in it.  Nothing is piled up in the hall.  I can't see Anton.  If they were packing up, why isn't he helping.  Is he parked at his computer?  Is there a stack of stuff waiting to be moved out piled up in the bedroom?

They were in the kitchen for hours wrapping and packing stuff.

I think the apartment was furnished and they have left the original items there and only packed what they brought in.

The Hallway wardrobe is pretty full of stuff packed up and all the hanging clothes from in there are gone.

I do find it odd and sudden though, makes me wonder why the rush to go.

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If its true I will miss Alina. She is beautiful, pleasant, and sexually creative. This is one of the few couples that actually seem to desire each other and have sex regularly. Very few shouting matches in this apartment. For the record, they are one of the three original couples - Nora and Kiko showed up October 2012, some months after the site was launched. I do agree the camera placements and quality are extremely poor.

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In this apartment drop the wallpaper from the wall, you must be renovated. Maybe even new cameras. The last time spends anton just in front of the computer just to sex it comes times outperform competing next apartment is the drann of maya. As new cameras and even more have ran. And for sheer sex with the two it may happen that the wallpaper will also fall from the wall. In leora and paul, we need not complain because should also more cameras in the wohnung.Und in 8 apartment that is made no longer on that was just a trial if one inquires of rlc only are informative, we are looking at. I think that the project rlc dying out so slowly. So watch out for your money paid rather have a month and sign up to new. So I had done it, not anymore, because I just have to look neutral. My meinunug it has also become langweihlig. Everything translated with google because I can not english


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I do find it odd and sudden though, makes me wonder why the rush to go.

Perhaps she does not want to be like Lora. She made a pregnancy test about two and a half weeks ago.

Looking at her as she was packing in the kitchen, it appeared she had the beginnings of a small stomach bulge, maybe she is pregnant already.

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In this apartment drop the wallpaper from the wall, you must be renovated. Maybe even new cameras. The last time spends anton just in front of the computer just to sex it comes times outperform competing next apartment is the drann of maya. As new cameras and even more have ran. And for sheer sex with the two it may happen that the wallpaper will also fall from the wall. In leora and paul, we need not complain because should also more cameras in the wohnung.Und in 8 apartment that is made no longer on that was just a trial if one inquires of rlc only are informative, we are looking at. I think that the project rlc dying out so slowly. So watch out for your money paid rather have a month and sign up to new. So I had done it, not anymore, because I just have to look neutral. My meinunug it has also become langweihlig. Everything translated with google because I can not english


Better quality cameras with sound.
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