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new couple soon !

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I want to say I'm going to miss this couple, but because there's no damn mic in the living room I never really got any kind of connection to them. They were the couple I watched the most by far though and sometimes the only couple I watched, and I have plenty of videos of them as souvenirs, but they will be missed. Just three things I'm hoping for:


2. Please don't start locking up apts now.

3. I really hope the fat chick doesn't move in.

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I want to say I'm going to miss this couple, but because there's no damn mic in the living room I never really got any kind of connection to them. They were the couple I watched the most by far though and sometimes the only couple I watched, and I have plenty of videos of them as souvenirs, but they will be missed. Just three things I'm hoping for:


2. Please don't start locking up apts now.

3. I really hope the fat chick doesn't move in.

I think the ones taking this apartment are the girl that was on the couch before this fat one started staying and the redhead girl. They both slept in the bed for a couple nights while Alina and Anton were away. Micrphones and better cameras and Night Vision that actually works.
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I want to say I'm going to miss this couple, but because there's no damn mic in the living room I never really got any kind of connection to them. They were the couple I watched the most by far though and sometimes the only couple I watched, and I have plenty of videos of them as souvenirs, but they will be missed. Just three things I'm hoping for:


2. Please don't start locking up apts now.

3. I really hope the fat chick doesn't move in.

I think the ones taking this apartment are the girl that was on the couch before this fat one started staying and the redhead girl. They both slept in the bed for a couple nights while Alina and Anton were away. Micrphones and better cameras and Night Vision that actually works.

I don't think anybody will be moving in there to be live on RLC otherwise Alina and Anton wouldn't have to move out.

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Guest big stick33

i wonder if they rent out alina's and anton's old apartment will they leave the cameras on or take them out?

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1. I was assumed, that the chubby chick is Alina's sister or another relative. I'm afraid you won't get rid of her visiting.  :P

2. I wish they would put mics in the bathroom or even better in all rooms, too.  :-X

3. The new cams are alright. I don't know, if it's because of my MAC or because of the cams, that the action freezes from time to time for a couple of seconds. The new cams seem to do better.  ???

4. The new couple is intended as a bonus only for all paying members, the RLC-administration said. This is why they unfortunately have no single free cam.  >:(

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1. I was assumed, that the chubby chick is Alina's sister or another relative. I'm afraid you won't get rid of her visiting.  :P

2. I wish they would put mics in the bathroom or even better in all rooms, too.  :-X

3. The new cams are alright. I don't know, if it's because of my MAC or because of the cams, that the action freezes from time to time for a couple of seconds. The new cams seem to do better.  ???

4. The new couple is intended as a bonus only for all paying members, the RLC-administration said. This is why they unfortunately have no single free cam.  >:(

Number 4 caught my attention, Catmaster.

Did RLC send you an email telling you about this?  Or was there some other announcement?  I admit that I don't follow the cams all that much so I might have missed such an announcement.

I always suspected that the apartment with all cams locked was a method for RLC to try to catch people who post videos from that apartment...since only paying members can even see stuff from there.

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yo creo que los que publicamos algun video lo que hacemos es dar publicidad gratuita a RLC , yo no recuerdo como llegue a conocerlos , pero no fue por marketing de ellos un video mio en vimeo tiene 1600 vistas en un dia imagine la publicidad que es eso , solo que se den de alta 100 imagina lo que es eso .

One can certainly make that argument, but I don't really think RLC sees it the same way.  They probably see it as some percentage of that 1600 views as being people who might subscribe if they couldn't see the video.

In any event, I do appreciate all those who go through the trouble to record and make available the pictures and videos.

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