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US General Domestic Politics #12 Begin 12/12/20


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1 hour ago, O_U812 said:

Funny, I've never seen one person wearing a shirt that says Antifa.


President Donald Trump notoriously told members of the far-right organization Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” before the...


If you questioned the 74 million people who voted for President Trump you probably couldn't find 100 who even know who or what the Proud Boys are.:dodgy:

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I predict that as soon as "Sleepy Joe" is safely sworn in as president it will become open season on him by the news media as they implement the game plan to install Kamala Harris as president at behest of Barack Hussein Obama.

You're a fucking idiot.

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Destroying The Honor of The Presidency
 thinks Governors, Congress, Supreme Court answer to him–he answers to no one
 11 30/20 - Doesn’t feel he needs to explain what crimes he’s going to issue blanket pardons for regarding himself and his family… destroying the integrity of Presidential Powers
 With absolutely no evidence, trump predicts Biden will die a month into his presidency!
 5/27/20 retweets “The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.”
 childishly stopped performing any duties as president to concentrate on destroying the sacred integrity of the U.S. election system if it means staying in power and avoiding individual states prosecuting him for fraud and tax evasion
 Led the chant at his rally to “Lock her up” after the Michigan governor was almost kidnapped by his followers.
 Actually praised his followers in Texas for attacking a Biden campaign bus in an attempt to run it off the road
 Thinks he’s being entertaining using language his hypocritical and demented evangelical worshipers should be blanching at but aren’t
 instructed his followers to illegally vote twice in 2020 election

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7 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

Destroying The Honor of The Presidency
 thinks Governors, Congress, Supreme Court answer to him–he answers to no one
 11 30/20 - Doesn’t feel he needs to explain what crimes he’s going to issue blanket pardons for regarding himself and his family… destroying the integrity of Presidential Powers
 With absolutely no evidence, trump predicts Biden will die a month into his presidency!
 5/27/20 retweets “The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.”
 childishly stopped performing any duties as president to concentrate on destroying the sacred integrity of the U.S. election system if it means staying in power and avoiding individual states prosecuting him for fraud and tax evasion
 Led the chant at his rally to “Lock her up” after the Michigan governor was almost kidnapped by his followers.
 Actually praised his followers in Texas for attacking a Biden campaign bus in an attempt to run it off the road
 Thinks he’s being entertaining using language his hypocritical and demented evangelical worshipers should be blanching at but aren’t
 instructed his followers to illegally vote twice in 2020 election

Just another example of Trump derangement syndrome by you.. Better start being more concerned about the crimes committed by Joe Biden and the Biden family.

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