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US General Domestic Politics #12 Begin 12/12/20


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5 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

Hate to tell you this, Ridge, but Dr. Jill Biden DOES hold a Doctorate degree. You don't have to be an M.D. to hold a Doctorate. She holds hers in Education. 

Bashing Biden's wife is like bashing Trumps wife. Just because certain sectors of the population hate an individual, doesn't mean their wives are of the same caliber.  Jill Biden is an extremely intelligent woman. It's her husband that is beginning his early stages of dementia.

But you do need an M.D. to be Surgeon General. I wasn't bashing Biden's wife. I was bashing Whoopie Goldberg. I knew that Jill Biden had a Doctorate in Education, but apparently Whoopie believed she was an M.D. because Whoopie said she should be appointed U.S. Surgeon General.  Do you understand now?

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7 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

Hate to tell you this, Ridge, but Dr. Jill Biden DOES hold a Doctorate degree. You don't have to be an M.D. to hold a Doctorate. She holds hers in Education. 

Bashing Biden's wife is like bashing Trumps wife. Just because certain sectors of the population hate an individual, doesn't mean their wives are of the same caliber.  Jill Biden is an extremely intelligent woman. It's her husband that is beginning his early stages of dementia.

Ahhhhh.....so you must be Dr. TBG, M.D.?  

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17 hours ago, maxfactor said:

What does it have to do with "contempt" for women and minorities?  You keep on making shit up in order to distract from the shell game that got Biden and the Democrats into the White House, I guess it is a fact of life for you and the rest of the left.  You forgot the part where I am a Nazi, climate denier and evil meat eater.  Oh yeah...I'll save you the creative prose effort... and include homophobe as well.    

So you accept that I am right.  76 million voters thought they were getting a moderate and now, within the next year, they will be subjected to the crowd that gave them riots, social media linch mobs and a media that failed miserably to remain partial and actually do their job.  Shame on you!  Karma is coming just wait. 

amazing. you are canadian & still managed to join the cult. dear leader doesn't usually allow non-citizens in easily. if you were mexican you would have been stopped by the massive wall. oh that's right. it doesn't exist.

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

amazing. you are canadian & still managed to join the cult. dear leader doesn't usually allow non-citizens in easily. if you were mexican you would have been stopped by the massive wall. oh that's right. it doesn't exist.

If you were Mexican you would be stopped by the Mexican government, but do you think it's right for illegal immigrants to just walk into our country without being vetted & checked to see if they have a criminal record or are carrying drugs 💉 or diseases 

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